2. Earth can be studied very easily if we

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. focus
  2. concentrate
  3. divide earth into parts
  4. think of earth as a cube
Correct Answer: divide earth into parts

3. Geologists who studies volcanism are known as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Monologists
  2. Astrologists
  3. Seismologist
  4. Volcanologist
Correct Answer: Volcanologist

4. Geologist who studies fossils is known as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Seismologists
  2. Terminologists
  3. Paleontologist
  4. Physiologist
Correct Answer: Paleontologist

5. Which of the following is sedimentary rock

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lignite
  2. Granite
  3. Graphite
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Lignite

6. As per Suess the specific gravity of Sima (layer) lies between

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 2.75 and 2.90
  2. 2.90 and 4.75
  3. 2.85 and 3.75
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 2.90 and 4.75

7. The water that trickles down the side of the Cave deposits Carbonate of lime in layers is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Stalagmite
  2. Dolomite
  3. Stalactite
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Stalactite

8. Pene plains are the type of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Coastal Plains
  2. Depositional Plains
  3. Erosional Plains
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Erosional Plains

9. Mountain belts are the relief features of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. First Order
  2. Second Order
  3. Third Order
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: First Order

10. According to Krummel water covers ___________ of the globe

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 70.8%
  2. 71.7%
  3. 70.8%
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 70.8%

11. The Pacific Ocean is roughly __________ in shape

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Conical
  2. Triangular
  3. Circular
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Triangular

12. The seismic sea wave from travels at speed of ____ Per hour

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 200 to 300 KM
  2. 500 to 800 KM
  3. 350 to 450 KM
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 500 to 800 KM

13. The cerntre of moon is about _________ Miles from the centre of the earth

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 240
  2. 000 miles
  3. 236
  4. 000 miles
  5. 238
  6. 000 miles
  7. None of these
Correct Answer: 240,000 miles

14. Globigerina ooze is made up chiefly of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Frustules
  2. Foraminifera
  3. Silica
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Silica

15. Ordnance maps were first made in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sixteenth Century
  2. Seventeenth Century
  3. Eighteenth Century
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Seventeenth Century

16. The largest scale maps are generally known as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Climate maps
  2. Atlas maps
  3. Cadastral maps
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Cadastral maps

17. The best suited projection for map of Tundras is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Zenithal
  2. Conical
  3. Mercetor?s
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Zenithal

18. To show the distribution of animals on a map we prefer to use

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Shade method
  2. Isopleth
  3. Dot method
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Dot method

19. Which of the following symbols is used to show storm on a weather map

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. >->->---->->----->
  2. >->->---->->->---->
  3. >->->------->---->
  4. None of these

20. For every 900 ft of rise in elevation the mercury column falls

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1/20
  2. 1/30
  3. 1/39
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 1/30

21. Clouds and ground reflection loss of radiant energy of the Sun is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 19.5%
  2. 25%
  3. 27.3%
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 25%

22. Any object moving horizontally in the northern hemisphere tends to deflect to the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Left
  2. Centre
  3. Right
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Right

23. The type of Clouds which causes Hail are called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cumulonimbus
  2. Stratiform
  3. Altocumulus
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

24. Tropical Desert and Steppe climates occur between latitudes

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 15° to 35° N and S
  2. 10° to 25° N
  3. 10° to 20° N and S
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 15° to 35° N and S

25. Warsak Dam is situated on

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indus River
  2. Kabul River
  3. Kurram River
  4. Sawat River
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Kabul River

26. Urbanization started with

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bronze Age
  2. Iron Age
  3. Agricultural Revolution
  4. Industrial Revolution
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Agricultural Revolution

27. Gulf of Bothnia is located between,

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Norway and Denmark
  2. Sweden and Finland
  3. Ireland and Scotland
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Sweden and Finland

28. Arrange the following Passes according to their heights from the sea level

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bolan Pass(4)
  2. Gomal Pass(3)
  3. Shandur Pass(2)
  4. Babusar Pass(1)
  5. None of these

29. Leading fishing country in the world

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Chile
  2. Japan
  3. Norway
  4. U.S.A.
Correct Answer: Japan

30. Naples is a sea port of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Spain
  2. Italy
  3. France
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Italy

31. Rubber is mainly grown in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. North West Europe
  2. South East Asia
  3. North East of USA
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: South East Asia

32. Largest Desert among the following

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Arabian Desert
  2. Gobi Desert
  3. Kalahari Desert
  4. Atacama Desert
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Arabian Desert

33. Isle of Wight is situated in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Atlantic Ocean
  2. English Channel
  3. Irish Sea
  4. North Sea
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: English Channel

34. Tirana is the capital of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bulgaria
  2. Romania
  3. Albania
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Albania

35. Bali Island is situated in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Philippine Island
  2. Indonesia Island
  3. West Indies Island
  4. Japan Island
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Indonesia Island

36. Largest River among these

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mississippi
  2. Yenisei
  3. Amazon
  4. Yangtze
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Amazon

37. Mt. Blanc is situated in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Italy
  2. France
  3. Spain
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Italy

38. Highest Mountain Peak among these

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nanga Parbet
  2. McKinley
  3. Kanchenjunga
  4. Godwin Austen
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Godwin Austen

39. Great Salt Lake is situated in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iowa State
  2. Utah State
  3. Minnesota State
  4. Nerada State
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Utah State

40. Largest Mt. Range is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Andeo Mountains
  2. Alps
  3. Rockies
  4. Himalayas
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Rockies

41. Port Palermo is located in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tyrrhenian Sea
  2. Adriatic Sea
  3. Mediterranean Sea
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Tyrrhenian Sea

42. “Gulf of Carpentaria” is in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indian Ocean
  2. Pacific Ocean
  3. Atlantic Ocean
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Pacific Ocean

43. “Cape York Peninsula”

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. New Zealand
  2. Australia
  3. Indonesia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Australia

44. Highest Capital city located in the world

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lhasa
  2. La Pez
  3. Bogota
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: La Pez

45. Instrument used for the measurement of wind speed is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Altimeter
  2. Barometer
  3. Anemometer
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Anemometer

46. Vernal equinox occurs on

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. December 21
  2. September 23
  3. June 21
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

47. Atmospheric pressure at sea level is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 750 mm
  2. 760 mm
  3. 770 mm
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 760 mm

48. When there is an active upward ascent of lighter warm air over the cold dense air, the front is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cold front
  2. Warm foot
  3. Occluded front
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Warm foot

49. On 21st of June the sun shines vertically on the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tropic of Capricorn
  2. Tropic of cancer
  3. Equator
  4. Arctic circle
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Tropic of cancer

50. The hot molten material erupted from a volcano is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lava
  2. Magma
  3. Pyro-clast
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Lava

51. The point in the earth from where seismic waves spread out in all directions is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Seismic Center
  2. Epicenter
  3. Earthquake focus
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Earthquake focus

52. The continental crust ranges from

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 7 to 20 Km in thickness
  2. 20 to 70 Km in thickness
  3. 40 to 150 Km in thickness
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

53. Marble is a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sedimentary rock
  2. Igneous rock
  3. Metamorphic rock
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Metamorphic rock

54. Yardang is produced by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. River
  2. Glacier
  3. Wind
  4. Volcanic activity
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Wind

55. Continental glacier produces the following feature on the earth surface

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. V-shaped Valley
  2. U-shaped Valley
  3. Hanging Valley
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

56. The deepest point in the ocean bottom is in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indian ocean
  2. Atlantic ocean
  3. Pacific ocean
  4. Arctic ocean
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Pacific ocean

57. The flat ocean bottom lying near the continents is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Peneplain
  2. Archipelagic Apron
  3. Lacustrine Plain
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

58. Benguela current flows near the western coast of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Australia
  2. South Africa
  3. Africa
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Africa

59. Waves are caused by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Gravitational force of moon
  2. Gravitational force of earth
  3. Solar radiation
  4. Winds
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Winds

60. Conical Projection is best suited for

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Polar Regions
  2. Equatorial Regions
  3. Temperate latitudes
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Temperate latitudes

61. Zero degree meridian is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 15° East of Prime Meridian
  2. 10° East of Prime Meridian
  3. 5° West of Prime Meridian
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

62. A map on RF 1:2400 will be

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. A Large Scale map
  2. Small Scale map
  3. Medium Scale map
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Medium Scale map

63. Lines showing places of equal rainfall are called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Isohalines
  2. Isobars
  3. Isopleths
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

64. Sea water contains on the average about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 3.5% Salt
  2. 2.7% Salt
  3. 7% Salt
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 3.5% Salt

65. Technical base for the earliest urban civilization was

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Agriculture
  2. Trade
  3. Mining
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Agriculture

66. Modern man evolved on the earth at least

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 150000 to 50000 years back
  2. 300000 to 100000 years back
  3. 600000 to 200000 years back
  4. 1000000 to 555000 years back
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: 150,000 to 50,000 years back

67. Han, Asoka and Roman dynasties were characterized by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Urban culture
  2. Rural set up
  3. Markets
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Urban culture

68. Thinly spread food gatherers still occupy most of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Latin America
  2. Southern Europe
  3. Eastern Asia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Eastern Asia

69. Nile Valley is located in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Central Africa
  2. South Africa
  3. North Africa
  4. West Africa
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: South Africa

70. Antananarivo is capital of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lithuania
  2. Macedonia
  3. Nicaragua
  4. Madagascar
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Madagascar

71. Shanty towns are feature of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. African large towns
  2. Indian Cities
  3. Eskimo dwellings
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

72. Sadza, a stiff maize porridge is the staple food of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Syria
  2. North Korea
  3. Newzealand
  4. Zimbabwe
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Zimbabwe

73. Water resources care the basis for country?s development in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iran
  2. Sudan
  3. Turkey
  4. Spain
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Sudan

74. Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic calculated from

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Life expectancy
  2. Educational Expenditure
  3. Foreign Exchange
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Life expectancy

75. Peru, Bolivia and Mexico had centers of advanced culture called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Aegean
  2. Buddha
  3. Mayan and Inca
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Mayan and Inca

76. Current position of Human Geography in the U.S. has edited by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Taaffe
  2. Scholz
  3. Brodnock
  4. Janzen
  5. Janzen

77. Austria and Switzerland are included in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Northern Europe
  2. Alpine Europe
  3. Mediterranean Europe
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Alpine Europe,

78. Metal working Industries, collectivized agriculture and export of mineral fuel are features of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Japan
  2. India
  3. Russian federation
  4. Germany
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Russian federation

79. Christaller (1933) pioneered theory of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Agricultural Locations
  2. Central place
  3. Industrial Locations
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Central place

80. Prairie Provinces are parts of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Afghanistan
  2. Somalia
  3. Thailand
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

81. The so called Green Revolution began in India in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1980
  2. 1970
  3. 1966
  4. 1990
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: 1966

82. Myanmar a mountainous country is located in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. South West Asia
  2. South East Asia
  3. Southern Asia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: South East Asia

83. Systematic colonization of land in South Asia began in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mid 18th Century
  2. Mid 19th Century
  3. Mid 20th Century
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Mid 18th Century

84. Pakistan?s iron and steel mill at Pipri is built by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. British assistance
  2. UAE assistance
  3. German assistance
  4. Soviet assistance
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Soviet assistance

85. Lines of equal distribution of pressure are called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Isopleths
  2. Isotherms
  3. Isotherms
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Isotherms

86. According to Ferrel?s Law winds are deflected

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To their right in the northern hemisphere
  2. To their left in the northern hemisphere
  3. Not deflected at all
Correct Answer: To their right in the northern hemisphere

87. Thermal equator is located-

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. At the Equator
  2. North of Equator
  3. South Equator
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: North of Equator

88. Orographic rainfall is affected by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Relief features
  2. Distance from the Sea
  3. Distance from the equator
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Relief features

89. Lie graphs are used for depicting

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Temperature of a place
  2. Rainfall of a place
  3. Growth of population
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Temperature of a place

90. Meanders are created by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. River action
  2. Action of glacier
  3. Action of wind
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: River action

91. Equatorial climate has

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. No dry season
  2. Short dry season
  3. Long dry season
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: No dry season

92. Oxygen in the atmosphere is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 78%
  2. 71%
  3. 59%
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

93. Density of sea water ranges from

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1.027 to 1.028
  2. 1.010 to 1.025
  3. 1.000 to 1.020
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 1.027 to 1.028

94. West-wind-drift is a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Circumpolar drift
  2. Current of South Pacific Ocean
  3. Current of South Atlantic Ocean
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Circumpolar drift

95. Limestone is a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Metamorphic rock
  2. Sedimentary rock
  3. Igneous rock
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Sedimentary rock

96. The material thrown out during an eruption is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gaseous
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Liquid

97. The cold air mass is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Conditionally unstable
  2. Stable
  3. Unstable
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Conditionally unstable

98. Weathering is caused by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Great range of temperature
  2. Great range of rainfall
  3. Action of wind
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Great range of temperature

99. Simple conical projections with one standard parallel are used for

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Maps for higher latitudes
  2. Maps for the Polar Regions
  3. Maps for the lower latitudes
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

100. Tornadoes affect areas ranging from

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. A few yards to a quarter of a mile in diameter
  2. A few furlongs to about 5 miles in diameter
  3. A few miles to about 10 miles in diameter
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: A few miles to about 10 miles in diameter

101. On a weather map the word „L?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. denotes a low Pressure zone
  2. denotes a low Temperature zone
  3. denotes a low Rainfall zone
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: denotes a low Pressure zone

102. Large scale maps are used for

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Small areas
  2. Large areas
  3. Areas of Moderate extent
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Small areas

103. In a wave water particles move only

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Near the coast
  2. In deep water
  3. In shallow water
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

104. The inner core of the earth is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Semi solid
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Solid

105. The port of Gwadar guards

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Strait of Hormuz
  2. Strait of Malacca
  3. Palk strait
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Strait of Hormuz

106. Among the Southwest Asian countries the exporter of wheat is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iraq
  2. Iran
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Saudi Arabia

107. The main oil producing region in Europe excluding Russia is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Balkan Peninsula
  2. North European Plains
  3. North Sea
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Balkan Peninsula

108. Pakistan is self-sufficient in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Rice
  2. Wheat
  3. Vegetable oil
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Rice

109. Truck farming means

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Farming by trucks
  2. Production of trucks
  3. Vegetable growing
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Vegetable growing

110. The largest producer of natural gas in the world

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kuwait
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. U.A.E.
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

111. A landlocked country

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Algeria
  2. Nepal
  3. Spain
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Spain

112. The country with largest population

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. China
  2. USA
  3. Russia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

113. Rubber is a crop of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Equatorial climate
  2. Mediterranean Climate
  3. Monsoon climate
  4. None of thes
Correct Answer: Equatorial climate

114. A pass on the Karakoram Highway which links Pakistan with China

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Karakoram Pass
  2. Khunjerab Pass
  3. Lawari Pass
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Karakoram Pass

115. One of the temperate grasslands

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Pampa
  2. Selva
  3. Taiga
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Pampa

116. The earliest occupation of man

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Animal keeping
  2. Farming
  3. Food gathering
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Food gathering

117. The continent most deficient in fishing industry

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Africa
  2. Australia
  3. South America
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Australia

118. Country registering negative population growth

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Canada
  2. China
  3. Germany
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: China

119. A major iron and steel producing country producing a small quantity of iron ore

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. China
  2. India
  3. Japan
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Japan

120. Panama Canal lies in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. North America
  2. South America
  3. Forms the boundary between North and South America
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Forms the boundary between North and South America

121. The main source of softwood in the world

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Coniferous Forests
  2. Equatorial Forests
  3. The Mediterranean Forests
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Coniferous Forests

122. The mountains which protect Pakistan from the cold winds of Central Asia

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Himalayas
  2. Karakoram - Hindukush
  3. Kirthar
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Himalayas

123. Suez Canal connects

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. The Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
  2. The Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea
  3. The Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: The Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea

124. Country with largest life expectancy at birth in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. India
  2. Pakistan
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Sri Lanka

125. Calcareous rocks are ________________ rocks

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sedimentary
  2. Igneous
  3. Metamorphic
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Sedimentary

126. Most of the rainfall received in Pakistan is by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Westerlies
  2. Mountain and Valley winds
  3. Monsoon winds
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Monsoon winds

127. Organic deposits are mostly found over

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Continental Shelf
  2. Continental Slope
  3. Deep Sea Plain
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Deep Sea Plain

128. Irrigation is a ____________ feature

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cultural
  2. Natural
  3. Topographic
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Topographic

129. Standard parallel is a part of _________ Projection

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cylindrical
  2. Conical
  3. Zenithal
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Conical

130. __________ Projection are called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mathematical
  2. Cylindrical
  3. Conventional
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Conventional

131. Conical Projections are suitable for

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tropical
  2. Temperate
  3. Polar areas
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Temperate

132. _________ is the best method of drawing distribution maps

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dot method
  2. Shade method
  3. Diagrammatic method
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Dot method

133. A low pressure area is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cyclone
  2. Anti-cyclones
  3. Wedge
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Cyclone

134. Zenithal projections are mostly used for ______ areas

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Equatorial
  2. Tropical
  3. Polar
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Polar

135. Male is the capital of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mali
  2. Malawi
  3. Maldives
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Maldives

136. POTWAR Plateau bounded in the east by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indus River
  2. Salt Range
  3. Jhelum River
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Jhelum River

137. Baglihar Dam is being built on

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ravi River
  2. Jhelum River
  3. Chenab River
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Chenab River

138. Pakistan?s Cotton Production in 2005 is about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 10 million bales
  2. 12.5 million bales
  3. 15 million bales
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 15 million bales

139. Pakistan?s oil Production and Consumption per day respectively is about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 65000 barrels - 350000
  2. 50000 barrels - 300000
  3. 75000 barrels - 450000
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

140. The length of River Indus is about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 2900 Km
  2. 2700 Km
  3. 2250 Km
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 2900 Km

141. The Kishan Ganga Dam is being constructed on one of the tributary of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ganger River
  2. Sutlej River
  3. Chenab River
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

142. The length of newly constructed oil pipe line from Baku (Caspian Sea) to Ceyhan (Mediterranean Sea) is about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1600 Km
  2. 2000 Km
  3. 1800 Km
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 1800 Km

143. World Trade Organization (WTO) was established on

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1st January 1995
  2. 14th January 1997
  3. 5th January 1993
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 1st January, 1995

144. Global exports and imports in 2003 were respectively

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. $.44 trillion - $.61 trillion
  2. $ 34 trillion - $ 55 trillion
  3. $.50 trillion - $.95 trillion
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

145. Mount Demavend (5671 M) is in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Turkey
  2. Iran
  3. Azerbaijan
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Iran

146. Suez canal was constructed in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1845
  2. 1869
  3. 1896
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 1869

147. The smallest Islamic country is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bahrain
  2. Maldives
  3. Jordan
  4. Qatar
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Maldives

148. Bishkek is the capital of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kazakhstan
  2. Tajikistan
  3. Kyrgyzstan
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Kyrgyzstan

149. Islamabad is near the latitude

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 33.5° N
  2. 34.5° N
  3. 35.5° N
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 34.5° N

150. The largest Islamic country by area is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Algeria
  2. Sudan
  3. Kazakhstan
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Kazakhstan

151. According to 1998 census urban population in Pakistan is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 32.5 %
  2. 28.3%
  3. 36.5%
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 32.5 %

152. Per capita in Pakistan in 2004-05 is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 652 dollars
  2. 736 dollars
  3. 763 dollars
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 652 dollars

153. Saudi Arabia?s oil resources are about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 260 billion barrels
  2. 225 billion barrels
  3. 230 billion barrels
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 260 billion barrels

154. The total number of persons engaged in fisheries in Pakistan during 2002-03 is estimated as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 365000
  2. 395000
  3. 335000
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 395000

155. The feature not due to glaciation is a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Wadi
  2. Cirque
  3. Fiord
  4. Fiord
Correct Answer: Wadi

156. Loess found in northern China is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. mountain screes
  2. volcanic ash
  3. river debris
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: river debris

157. An example of an igneous rock is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. clay
  2. sand
  3. granite
  4. slate
Correct Answer: granite

158. The moraine which is formed where two small glaciers converge is termed

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lateral
  2. Ground
  3. Terminal
  4. Medial
Correct Answer: Medial

159. Stacks are typical features of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. coastal glaciation in temperate latitudes
  2. Marine erosion by wayes
  3. Coastal deposition
  4. Materials at river delta
Correct Answer: Marine erosion by wayes

160. The usual way of showing population in a map is by using

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lines
  2. Squares
  3. Dots
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Dots

161. If the R.F. of a map is 1 :25000. This is a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. One inch map
  2. Two inch map
  3. Two and a half inch map
  4. five inch map
Correct Answer: One inch map

162. North West Passage is suitably shown in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Zenithal Projection
  2. Conineal projection
  3. Cylindrical projection
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Zenithal Projection

163. West Wind Drift is present in all oceans except

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Arctic
  2. Indian
  3. Pacific
  4. Atlantic
Correct Answer: Arctic

164. The predominant vegetation of Arid Western U.S.A. is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. coniferous
  2. deciduous
  3. Grasses
  4. Xerophtes
Correct Answer: Xerophtes

165. Hot wind which blows from Sahara to the Guinea Coast is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sirocco
  2. Mistral
  3. Harmattan
  4. Fohn
Correct Answer: Harmattan

166. Warm current that keeps the Norwegian Ports ice free through out the year is the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Canary current
  2. Arctic current
  3. Guinea current
  4. North Atlantic Drift
Correct Answer: North Atlantic Drift

167. Elongated Lakes have normally resulted from

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. glacial erosion
  2. Volcanic eruption
  3. faulting
  4. corals
Correct Answer: faulting

168. The inlets in the coast of South Western New Zealand are called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Buas
  2. Fiords
  3. Esturies
  4. spits
Correct Answer: Fiords

169. One of the following is also called international scale

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Linear
  2. Btagonal
  3. Comparative
  4. R.F.
Correct Answer: R.F.

170. Rejuvination of river is associated with formation of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Oxbow Lakes
  2. Basins
  3. Monadnocks
  4. Terraces
Correct Answer: Terraces

171. Radial Trellised and Denritic are forms and patterns of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mountain systems
  2. Drainages
  3. Climates
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Drainages

172. A Ring of fire is attributed to

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Antarctic
  2. Arctic
  3. Atlantic
  4. Pacific
Correct Answer: Pacific

173. Earthquake of Kobe, Japan, in January 1995 had a magnitude

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 5.2
  2. 6.2
  3. 7.2
  4. 6.6
Correct Answer: 7.2

174. Charles Richter of the California Institute of Technology developed the Richter scale in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1735
  2. 1835
  3. 1855
  4. 1935
Correct Answer: 1935

175. Percentage of urban population in 1998 of Pakistan was

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 11.1
  2. 21.2
  3. 25.3
  4. 32.5
Correct Answer: 32.5

176. Quetta Building Code was passed in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1916
  2. 1926
  3. 1936
  4. 1946
Correct Answer: 1936

177. Irrigated area in Pakistan damaged by Water logging and Salinity is above

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 26%
  2. 36%
  3. 46%
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 26%

178. Planned Nucleated Villages were founded in Punjab between

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1870and1910
  2. 1880 and 1900
  3. 1890 and 1920
  4. 1915 and 1925
Correct Answer: 1870and1910

179. Fortified human settlement is common in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sindh
  2. Punjab
  3. Azad Kashmir
  4. Federally Administered Tribal Areas
Correct Answer: Sindh

180. Honshu is highly industrialized part of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mangolia
  2. China
  3. Japan
  4. Thailand
Correct Answer: Japan

181. Tashkent a one of biggest market of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Wheat
  2. Rice
  3. Sugar Cane
  4. Cotton
Correct Answer: Wheat

182. Hutu and Tutsi tribes live in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Australia
  2. New Zealand
  3. Rwanda
  4. Cameroon
Correct Answer: Rwanda

183. Hutu and Tutsi tribes live in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Australia
  2. New Zealand
  3. Rwanda
  4. Cameroon
Correct Answer: Rwanda

184. Since 1970's tourist industry have developed in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Yemen
  2. Nigeria
  3. Srilanka
  4. Kuwait
Correct Answer: Srilanka

185. Arakan Yoma, an extended Himalayan chain is located in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Laos
  2. Myanmar
  3. Bhutan
  4. Taiwan
Correct Answer: Myanmar

186. Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg are also called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. High Countries
  2. Ye~ High countries
  3. Table Land Countries
  4. Low countries
Correct Answer: Low countries

187. Adriatic, Aegean and Baltic are

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Valleys
  2. Mountains
  3. Seas
  4. Lakes
Correct Answer: Seas

188. Human Development Index is an indicator of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. country position in Local Spectrum
  2. country position in Regional Spectrum
  3. Country position in Global Spectrum
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Country position in Global Spectrum

189. Volkwagen is the biggest car manufacturer in the following South American country

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Peru
  2. Argentina
  3. Chile
  4. Brazil
Correct Answer: Brazil

190. Lake Nasser is behind the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Aswan Dam
  2. Izmir Dam
  3. Luxor Dam
  4. Asyut Dam
Correct Answer: Aswan Dam

191. Isotims and isodapanes in human geography are related to

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. transport cost
  2. retailing
  3. barter trade
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: transport cost

192. Lake Biwa in Japan supplies drinking water for

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 4 miHion people
  2. 8 million people
  3. 14 million people
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 8 million people

193. The worst drought for 50 years is experience by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Papua New Guinea
  2. Chad
  3. Mali
  4. Mauritania
Correct Answer: Chad

194. Lightning is the main natural cause of forest fire which comes to earth at the rate

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 200 strikes per second
  2. 400 strikes per second
  3. 300 strikes per second
  4. 100 strikes per second
Correct Answer: 100 strikes per second

195. 600,000 hectares of Savanna badly damaged in 1998 in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. India
  2. Brazil
  3. Colombia
  4. Senegal
Correct Answer: Brazil

196. Average monthly temperature of a place can be represents by means of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bar Graph
  2. line graph
  3. pie graph
  4. graduated circle
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Bar Graph

197. Hanging valleys are formed by the action of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Wind
  2. Running water
  3. Moving Ice
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Moving Ice

198. Dendritic pattern of drainage is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Rectangular in shape
  2. Radial in shape
  3. like the tree with branches
  4. None
Correct Answer: like the tree with branches

199. Lines joining places having equal rainfall are

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iso-baths
  2. Contours
  3. Iso-hyets
  4. Iso-bars
Correct Answer: Iso-hyets

200. The most common rock found on earth is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Marble
  2. granite
  3. Basalt
  4. None of these (Igneous rock)
Correct Answer: granite

201. The wind which reverses seasonally is known as ___________ wind

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Trade
  2. Monsoon
  3. Cyclone
  4. Polar
Correct Answer: Monsoon

202. Karsts region originally a landscape located in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Belgium
  2. Greece
  3. Former Yugoslavia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Former Yugoslavia

203. The earliest period of geological history is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Permian
  2. Pre-Cambrian
  3. Cambrian
  4. Tertiary
Correct Answer: Pre-Cambrian

204. Which of the following are considered to be the primary rock

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. sedimentary
  2. Metamorphic
  3. igneous
  4. Argillaceous
Correct Answer: igneous

205. What is the point of an earth quake called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Quake centre
  2. Epicenter
  3. Seismic focus
  4. Tectonic point
Correct Answer: Epicenter

206. Epeirogeny is a result of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Vertical earth movements
  2. Horizontal earth movements
  3. Mass movements
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Horizontal earth movements

207. What is the name given to a plateau surrounded by mountains

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. piedmont plateau
  2. intermountain plateau
  3. mountain plateau
  4. raised plateau
Correct Answer: intermountain plateau

208. The dust bowl of North American has been caused by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. glacial deposition
  2. wind erosion
  3. wind deposition
  4. shifting cultivation
Correct Answer: wind erosion

209. Ideal cycle of erosion was first suggested by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. De Martonne
  2. B.W Sparks
  3. W.M Davis
  4. W. Penck
Correct Answer: W.M Davis

210. What does the term loess refers to

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. River borne material
  2. Fine wind deposited material
  3. fine glacial material
  4. fine wave deposited material
Correct Answer: Fine wind deposited material

211. An Avalanche is a mass of glacial debris transported to the sea

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mass of snow and rocks moving down slope under gravity
  2. Broad crack in the upper paart of glacier
  3. steep rock in the coastal are made by wave erosion
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Mass of snow and rocks moving down slope under gravity

212. What is meant by Hamada

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. An extensive flat rocky surface in desert
  2. A Costal lowland eroded by glaciers
  3. A plain surface in the karst region
  4. A depositional part of pediplain
Correct Answer: An extensive flat rocky surface in desert

213. The direction of rotation of the earth on its axis is from

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. North to south
  2. South to north
  3. East to west
  4. West to east
Correct Answer: West to east

214. On which date is the earth perihelion

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. june 21
  2. December 22
  3. January 03
  4. July 04
Correct Answer: june 21

215. What is the most accurate description of the shape of the earth

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. A Circle
  2. A Sphere
  3. A Geoid
  4. An absolute sphere
Correct Answer: A Geoid

216. Agriculture, the deliberate tending of crops, dates back to approximate years

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 8000
  2. 10000
  3. 12000
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 10,000

217. The number of Agriculture Revolutions the world has experiences is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. None of these

218. Approximate latitude extent of Pakistan is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 21 - 38° N
  2. 24-37° S
  3. 28-40° N
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 24-37° S

219. The type of crop, the coffee is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Luxury
  2. Industrial
  3. Fibre
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Luxury

220. “Seven Sisters” is a group of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Summits
  2. Lakes
  3. Oil companies
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Oil companies

221. “Nego” is the name of a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. River
  2. Mountain
  3. Dam
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Mountain

222. The number of sovereign states in the SAARC is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Four
  2. Five
  3. Six
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

223. Rome, the capital of Italy, is located beside the river

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Rhine
  2. Tiber
  3. Po
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Tiber

224. The Caucasoid have their skin colour

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Black
  2. Yellow
  3. Brown
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Yellow

225. The Iberian Peninsula is a part of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Asia
  2. Europe
  3. Africa
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Europe

226. The Levant is located in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. Europe
  4. None of these

227. The “Orange” is the name of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. River
  2. State
  3. Coastline
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: River

228. Ibadan is located in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Africa
  2. Europe
  3. Asia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Africa

229. The “Majors” are a group of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Oil companies
  2. MDC?s
  3. Islands
  4. None of these

230. Esperanto is a type of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cultivation
  2. Language
  3. Industry
  4. None of these

231. The portion of the world permanently inhabited by Man is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ecosystem
  2. Ecumene
  3. MDC
  4. None of these

232. The change in a culture through interaction with another culture is termed as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cultural Diffusion
  2. Acculturation
  3. Cultural hearth
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Cultural Diffusion

234. Pakistan?s longest border is with

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. India
  2. China
  3. Iran
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: India

235. The sixth largest city of Pakistan according to the 1998 census is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Rawalpindi
  2. Multan
  3. Gujranwala
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Multan

236. Corundum falls in the _____ rank of Moho Scale of Hardness

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tenth
  2. Second
  3. Ninth
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Ninth

237. Standard Parallel is a part of ____ projection

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cylinderical
  2. Conical
  3. Zenithal
  4. None
Correct Answer: Conical

238. Conical Projection is suitable for ___ areas

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tropical
  2. Temperate
  3. Polar
  4. None
Correct Answer: Temperate

239. Zenithal Projection is suitable for ___ areas

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tropical
  2. Equatorial
  3. Polar
  4. None
Correct Answer: Polar

240. Sandstone is a/an ___ rock

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sedimentary
  2. Igneous
  3. Metamorphic
  4. None
Correct Answer: Sedimentary

241. Granite is a/an ____ rock

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sedimentary
  2. Igneous
  3. Metamorphic
  4. None
Correct Answer: Igneous

242. A line which is drawn on Mercrator's Projection is known as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Laxodrome
  2. Rhumb Line
  3. Great Circle
  4. Both (a) & (b)
Correct Answer: Rhumb Line

243. The shadow zone of an earthquake exists between ____ from an earthquake focus

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 130-140 degrees
  2. 110-150 degrees
  3. 103-143 degrees
  4. None
Correct Answer: 103-143 degrees

244. One of the following is also known as an international scale

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Linear
  2. Diagonal
  3. R.F
  4. None
Correct Answer: R.F

245. The 8th October, 2005 Earthquake of Pakistan had a magnitude of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 7.6
  2. 5.5
  3. 4.6
  4. None
Correct Answer: 7.6

246. The soft zone in the upper part of the mantle is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lithosphere
  2. Barysphere
  3. Asthenosphere
  4. None
Correct Answer: Asthenosphere

247. The World's largest delta has been formed by the river

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nile
  2. Indus
  3. Mississippi
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

248. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Marcelli Scale
  2. Richter Scale
  3. Beufort Scale
  4. None
Correct Answer: Richter Scale

249. "The Roots of Mountain Theory of Isotasy" is credited to

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Archdeacon Pratt
  2. G.B. Air
  3. Vening Meneisz
  4. None of these

250. Which of the following features have been produced b y wind deflation?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lake Toba
  2. Lake Victoria
  3. Qattara Depression
  4. None
Correct Answer: Qattara Depression

251. Primary Waves (P-Waves) in an earthquake are a kind of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. longitudnal waves
  2. transverse
  3. surface Waves
  4. None
Correct Answer: longitudnal waves

252. San Andreas Fault, California is an example of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Normal Fault
  2. Reverse Fault
  3. Transform Fault
  4. None
Correct Answer: Transform Fault

253. Fold in which horizontal or gently dipping beds are modified by simple step like bands are called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Isoclines
  2. Monoclines
  3. Periclines
  4. None no idea
Correct Answer: Periclines

254. Marine terraces,spits and bars are formed by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. wind action
  2. glaciers
  3. waves
  4. none
Correct Answer: waves

255. The second highest peak of Pakistan is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. K-2
  2. Nange Parbat
  3. Rakaposhi
  4. None
Correct Answer: Nange Parbat

256. the Jehlum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej have their confluence at

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mithan Kot
  2. Panjnad
  3. Panjgu
  4. None
Correct Answer: Panjnad

257. Tirich Mir is the highest peak of one of these mountain ranges

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hindu Kush
  2. Karakorum
  3. Koh i Safed
  4. None
Correct Answer: Hindu Kush

258. The Shandoor Pass is famous for the game of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Polo
  2. Golf
  3. Skiing
  4. None
Correct Answer: Polo

259. The international boundary line between Pakistan and Afghanistan is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Buefort Line
  2. Durrand LIne
  3. Wagah Border
  4. None
Correct Answer: Durrand LIne

260. Syne was the old name of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Caira
  2. Aswan
  3. Alexandria
  4. None
Correct Answer: Aswan

261. Alluvial soils are of two types, old and new. Old Alluvium is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Khadar
  2. Bhangar
  3. Regur
  4. None
Correct Answer: Bhangar

262. Gomal Pass,Khyber Pass,Bolan Pass,None

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Khyber Pass

263. One of the most famous Gap Town is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Geneva
  2. Rome
  3. Peshawer
  4. None
Correct Answer: Peshawer

264. The people who are engaged in Gem cutting industry in Sri Lanka are

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sinhalese
  2. Tamils
  3. Moors
  4. None
Correct Answer: Sinhalese

265. The city called Birmingham of India is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Durgapur
  2. Bokard
  3. Jamshedpur
  4. None
Correct Answer: Jamshedpur

266. All of the following countries are major exporters of fish except

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Japan
  2. Norway
  3. India
  4. None

267. Market gardening areas may produce all of the following except

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Vegetables
  2. Fruits
  3. Flowers
  4. Poultry
  5. Beef
Correct Answer: Beef

268. Shifting Cultivation is known by all of the following except

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ladang
  2. Taungya
  3. Milpa
  4. Jhum
  5. Transhumance
Correct Answer: Transhumance

269. Due to the nature of their work primary workers may be labelled

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. White collar
  2. Blue Collar
  3. Red Collar
  4. None
Correct Answer: Red Collar

270. Islamabad is called the city

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Devoid of soul
  2. Devoid of mind
  3. Devoid of sole
  4. None
Correct Answer: Devoid of soul

271. The philosophy of probablism was the idea of a French Historian named

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Griffith Taylor
  2. Elisee Reclus
  3. Emanuel kant
  4. None
Correct Answer: Emanuel kant

272. The supporters of Environmental Determinism were

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ellen Semple
  2. Mary Somerville
  3. Ellsworth Hungtion
  4. All of these
Correct Answer: All of these

274. The country which is likely to become the most popular tourist destination of all by 2010 is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nepal
  2. China
  3. Pakistan
  4. none
Correct Answer: China

275. The earths inner core is composed mostly of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. solid simatic rock
  2. solid iron nickel
  3. liquid iron and nickel
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: solid iron nickel

276. ketabatic winds are produced by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. pressure gradient
  2. gravity
  3. adiabatic cooling of ascending air
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: gravity

277. The distinguishing difference between the asthenosphere and lithosphere is their

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. density
  2. degree of rigidity
  3. chemical composition
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: density

278. The mean velocity of the earth in its orbit is about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 50000 mi per hour
  2. 66600 mi per hour
  3. 95000 mi per hour
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: 66,600 mi per hour

279. The mean distance between the earth and sun is about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 90 million miles
  2. 93 million miles
  3. 95 million miles
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 90 million miles

280. The prime meridian is referred to as the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Meridian of Greenwich
  2. Meridian of East
  3. Meridian of West
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Meridian of Greenwich

281. The equatorial Mercator is the only one of all known projections on which all Rhumb lines are true

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. straight lines
  2. semi-circles
  3. triangles
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: straight lines

282. The arctic circle is at

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 23 ½ N lat
  2. 45 N lat
  3. 66 ½ N lat
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: 66 ½ N lat

283. The vernal equinox occurs on

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. March 20
  2. june 21
  3. September 23
  4. none of these its 21st march
Correct Answer: none of these its 21st march

284. The percentage of radiant energy reflected back by a surface is termed the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Albedlo
  2. Al-Nino
  3. La-Nino
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Albedlo

286. The term humidity simply refers to the degree to which water vapour is present in the: a)ground

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. air
  2. vegetation
  3. None of these
Correct Answer: air

287. Advection fog results from the movement of warm moist air over a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. cold ground surface
  2. hot ground surface
  3. semi-hot ground surface
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: cold ground surface

288. Sheet as the term is used in the united states consists of pellets of ice produced from freezing of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. rain
  2. snow
  3. wind
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: rain

289. Radiation coming from the sun is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. long wave
  2. short wave
  3. medium wave
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: short wave

290. The hurricane or typhoon develops over oceans in latitudes

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 8 to 15 N and S
  2. 20 to 35 N and S
  3. 40 to 60 N and S
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 20 to 35 N and S

291. Troposphere is the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lowermost atmosphere layer
  2. The middle atmosphere layer
  3. Highest atmosphere layer
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Lowermost atmosphere layer

292. The Gulf Stream in the Atlantic Ocean is a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cold Ocean Current
  2. Warm ocean current
  3. semi-cold ocean current
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Warm ocean current

293. The word peneplain is given to a land surface of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. joint relief
  2. sharp relief
  3. no relief
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: no relief

294. The coriolis force is produced by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. earth rotation
  2. wind actionwind action
  3. water action
Correct Answer: earth rotation

295. The founder of Human geography is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Plato
  2. Aristotle
  3. Eratosthenes
  4. Theophrastus

296. Pakistan covers an area of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 796095 sq km
  2. 468000 sq km
  3. 999657 sq km
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 796095 sq km

297. The hottest month (june) with the mean temperature of 38C in Pakistan is at

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. sibi
  2. Jacobabad
  3. Hyderabad
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Jacobabad

298. Tod Polander is associated with the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. study of urban areas
  2. Industrial location theory
  3. agriculture location theory
  4. population studies
Correct Answer: population studies

299. which region is called the rice bowl of china

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. huang ho valley
  2. yangtse basin
  3. sinkiang
  4. chunling
Correct Answer: huang ho valley

300. hemp is a fiber crop of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. western Europe
  2. middle east
  3. Mediterranean region
  4. southeast Asia
Correct Answer: southeast Asia

301. the phytogeography deals with

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. the animal life
  2. the plant life
  3. weathering of rocks
  4. ancient civilizations
Correct Answer: the plant life

302. bride industries are industries

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. based on agriculture raw material
  2. located between market and raw material
  3. located on the river banks
  4. producing goods for export
Correct Answer: located on the river banks

303. the theory of industrial location was put forward by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Webber
  2. von thunen
  3. A. Miller
  4. R.Johnson
Correct Answer: Webber

304. What will be the shape of settlement near oases in desert?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. square
  2. linear
  3. oval
  4. irregular
Correct Answer: oval

305. the seasonal movement of people with their animals between highlands and lowlands is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. pastoralism
  2. nomadism
  3. transhumance
  4. ranching
Correct Answer: transhumance

306. the term fecundity indicates

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. birth rate
  2. fertility rate
  3. growth rate
  4. capacity to reproduce
Correct Answer: capacity to reproduce

307. the concept of demographic transition was initiated by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. trewartha
  2. thompson
  3. notestein
  4. sadler
Correct Answer: thompson

308. who was the first to suggest the law migration

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lee
  2. zelinsky
  3. trewartha
  4. rovenstein
Correct Answer: zelinsky

309. where is the fertile crescent situated

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. southeast asia
  2. southwest asia
  3. north america
  4. africa
Correct Answer: southwest asia

310. the example of an unguarded international border is that between

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. India and pakistan
  2. china and mogolia
  3. china and russia
  4. usa and canada
Correct Answer: usa and canada

311. the concentric zone theory of urban morphology was coined by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. ullman
  2. burgess
  3. burgess
  4. huntington
  5. homer hoyet
Correct Answer: burgess

312. the acronym C.B.D stands for

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. outer fringe of the city
  2. area of heavy industries in the city
  3. area of highest population density in the city
  4. central commercial heart of the city
Correct Answer: central commercial heart of the city

313. occidental agriculture is associated with

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. mono crop culture
  2. diversified farming
  3. shifting cultivation
  4. dry farming
Correct Answer: diversified farming

314. christaller?s theory is concerned with

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. size distribution of central places
  2. origin and decline of cities
  3. morphology of settlements
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: size distribution of central places

315. The Circumference of the Earth at the equator is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 60075 km
  2. 50075 km
  3. 40075 km
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: 40075 km

316. The proportion reflected from the snow covered surface is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. brook
  2. caldera
  3. sinusoid
  4. none
Correct Answer: none

317. Worldwide geocaching is carried out by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. GIS
  2. Remote Sensing
  3. GPS
  4. None
Correct Answer: Remote Sensing

318. Speed of the Earth at 45 N is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1180.7 km/h
  2. 2180.7km/h
  3. 3180.7 km/h
  4. None
Correct Answer: 1180.7 km/h

319. Chemical compostion of the Earth dominating 34% by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Silicon
  2. Iron
  3. Magnesium
  4. None
Correct Answer: Iron

320. Temperate, Torrid and Frigid Zones, one ancient example of world climates is attributed to

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Plate
  2. Herodotus
  3. Aristotle
  4. None
Correct Answer: Aristotle

321. In Koppen Climate system Aw stands for

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tropical
  2. Rainforest
  3. Tropical Monsoon
  4. Tropica Savanna
  5. None
Correct Answer: Tropica Savanna

322. Which of the following civilization was shut down by droughts combined with devastating floods?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nile
  2. Indus
  3. Incae
  4. None
Correct Answer: Indus

323. Pumice, Gabbro and Andesites are identified as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sedimentary Rocks
  2. Metamorphic Rocks
  3. Igneous Rocks
  4. None
Correct Answer: Igneous Rocks

324. Great Barrier Reef is in the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Atlantic Ocean
  2. Pacific Ocean
  3. Indian Ocean
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Pacific Ocean

325. A new sea has been officially created in the pacific Northwest is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Palish Sea
  2. Salish Sea
  3. Valish Sea
  4. None
Correct Answer: Salish Sea

326. On March 28, 2001 a tornado outbreak in Pakistan was experienced in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. sahiwal
  2. Bhalwal
  3. Sajawal
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Bhalwal

327. Agulhas is one of the warm currents of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indian Ocean
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Arctic Ocean
  4. None
Correct Answer: Indian Ocean

329. Frontal Zones where air masses are not moving against each other is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Occluded Fronts
  2. Stationary Fronts
  3. Warm Fronts
  4. None
Correct Answer: Stationary Fronts

330. Mountain ranges near water sources can receive high rainfalls because of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cyclonic activity
  2. Rain shadow effect
  3. Orographic uplift
  4. None
Correct Answer: Orographic uplift

331. Cartographers classify maps into two broad categories, reference maps and

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Topographic maps
  2. Thematic maps
  3. Attases
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Thematic maps

332. The oldest known projection dating back to about 500 BC is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cylindrical Homolographic
  2. Gnomonic
  3. Mollweide
  4. None
Correct Answer: Gnomonic

333. Alexander Von Humboldt famous biogeographer produced five volumes of work in 1845, was called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kosmos
  2. Helios
  3. Mellios
  4. None
Correct Answer: Kosmos

334. Normal cycle of erosion was devised by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Karl Ritter
  2. Thornbury
  3. Monkhouse
  4. None
Correct Answer: None

335. More determined and driven work ethics due to frequent variability in the weather of the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Higher Latitudes
  2. Middle Latitudes
  3. Lower Latitudes
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Middle Latitudes

336. Equational Paradox is an aspect of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cultural Geography
  2. Regional Geography
  3. Economic Geography
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Economic Geography

337. Equational Paradox is an aspect of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cultural Geography
  2. Regional Geography
  3. Economic Geography
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Economic Geography

338. Cliamtic determinism was intensely studied by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ellsworth Huntington
  2. Carl O Saver
  3. Carl Marx
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Ellsworth Huntington

339. Environmental Problems must all be understood via

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Physical Processes
  2. Social Processes
  3. Commercial Process
  4. None
Correct Answer: Social Processes

340. The study of the number of population and its variations in time and space is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Population Dynamics
  2. Population Density
  3. Population Distribution
  4. None
Correct Answer: Population Dynamics

341. Rapid Population growth in Urban areas perpetuates

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Crimes
  2. safety Issues
  3. Poverty
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Poverty

342. Sustainability of human settlements have become a matter of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Global Concern
  2. Continental Concern
  3. Regional Concern
  4. None
Correct Answer: Global Concern

343. Settlements can be ordered by size or other factors to define

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Morphology
  2. Landscape
  3. Hierarchy
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Hierarchy

344. South Asian agriculture is considered to be

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Intensive
  2. substence
  3. Extensive
  4. None
Correct Answer: substence

345. Appalachian Industrial area hosts

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iron and Steel
  2. Textiles
  3. Chemicals
  4. None
Correct Answer: Iron and Steel

346. Turkey possess plenty of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Power resources
  2. Mineral Resources
  3. Water Resources
  4. None
Correct Answer: Mineral Resources

347. What had historicaly made geography unique was its attention to systematic description of areal variation said by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hart Shorne
  2. Charles Fisher
  3. Ann Buttimer
  4. None
Correct Answer: Charles Fisher

348. Indus Water Treaty Projects were financed by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Asian Development Bank
  2. World Bank
  3. Former EEC
  4. None
Correct Answer: World Bank

349. Ninety percent of Russia is north of the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 60th Paralle
  2. 55th Parallel
  3. 50 Parallel
  4. None
Correct Answer: None

350. Before 1950, Famine was a harsh reality in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Poland
  2. Portugal
  3. India
  4. None
Correct Answer: India

351. Waterways are common transport means in Bengal for carrying

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tea
  2. Jute
  3. Animals
  4. none
Correct Answer: Jute

352. Greek Culture and power expanded into the near and Middle East during

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Archaic Period
  2. Classical Period
  3. Hellenistic Period
  4. None
Correct Answer: Hellenistic Period

353. in the 5th and 4th Centuries BC the most advanced economy was founded in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Italy
  2. France
  3. Greece
  4. None
Correct Answer: Greece

354. Geographic regions are based on distinctive quality of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Variety
  2. Homogenity
  3. ORigin
  4. None
Correct Answer: Variety

355. Geography affects the culture of a region by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. What people do
  2. What people possess
  3. What people copy
  4. None
Correct Answer: What people do

356. Which of the following features has been produced by wind deflation?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lake Toba
  2. Lake Chad
  3. Qattara Depression
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Qattara Depression

357. The Roots of Mountain Theory of Isostasy is credited to

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Archdeacon Pratt
  2. G. B. Airy
  3. Vening Meneisz
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: G. B. Airy

358. The San Andrea?s Fault is an example of a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Normal Fault
  2. Reverse Fault
  3. Transform Fault
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Transform Fault

359. The Dilatancy Theory explains

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Origin of earthquakes
  2. Prediction of earthquakes
  3. Intensity of earthquakes
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Prediction of earthquakes

360. The Mississippi delta is an example of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Arcuate delta
  2. Birds foot delta
  3. Mangrove delta
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Birds foot delta

361. Volcanic chains are formed as a lithosphere plate moves over a

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Volcanic front
  2. Mantle plume
  3. Arc trench gap
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Mantle plume

362. The world?s largest lake ranked by surface area is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lake Superior
  2. Caspian Sea
  3. Lake Victoria
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Caspian Sea

363. The Shadow Zone of an earthquake from the focus exists between

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 110° - 150°
  2. 130° - 140°
  3. 103° - 143°
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 103° - 143°

364. The magnitude of an earthquake is measured by _____ scale

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Richter
  2. Anderson
  3. Beufort
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Richter

365. An example of intraplate volcanism is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Aleutian Islands
  2. Hawaii
  3. Mt. St. Helens
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Hawaii

366. Yazoo streams are streams which

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Flow in the back swamps
  2. Formed by stream piracy
  3. Part of trellis drainage
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

367. Zenithal Projections are mostly used for _____ areas

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Equatorial
  2. Tropical
  3. Polar
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Polar

368. A line which is drawn on Mercator?s Projection is known as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Laxodrome
  2. Rhumb Line
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)

369. One of the following is also called international scale

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Linear
  2. R.F.
  3. Diagonal
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: R.F.

370. Lines joining places having equal temperature are

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iso-baths
  2. Iso-therms
  3. Iso-hyets
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Iso-therms

371. Ideal cycle of erosion was first suggested by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. B.W. Sparks
  2. Thornbury
  3. W.M. Davis
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: W.M. Davis

372. Desert vegetations are predominantly

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Xerophytes
  2. Halophytes
  3. Epiphytes
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Xerophytes

373. The usual way of showing population on a map is by using

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dots
  2. Squares
  3. Lines
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Dots

374. On the Moho Scale of Hardness, the mineral with hardness 3 is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Calcite
  2. Fluorite
  3. Apatite
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Calcite

375. The moraine formed where two glaciers converge is termed

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lateral
  2. Terminal
  3. Medial
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Medial

376. The term „geography? was first used by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ptolemy
  2. Strabo
  3. Eratosthenes
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Eratosthenes

377. “There are no necessities, only possibilities”. This approach of „Possibilism? was the idea of

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lucien Fabvre
  2. Vidal-de-La Blache
  3. Alfred Hettner
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Lucien Fabvre

378. Ellen C. Semple?s ideas were rooted in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Possibilism
  2. Environmental Determinism
  3. Probabilism
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Environmental Determinism

379. All of the following countries are major exporters of fish except

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Japan
  2. Norway
  3. India
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Japan

380. Shifting cultivation is known by all of the following names except

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ladang
  2. Milpa
  3. Transhumance
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Transhumance

381. Due to the outdoor nature of their work, Primary producers have been labelled _____ workers

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Blue-collar
  2. Red-collar
  3. Green-collar
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Red-collar

382. Due to the outdoor nature of their work, Primary producers have been labelled _____ workers

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Blue-collar
  2. Red-collar
  3. Green-collar
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Red-collar

383. Truck farming mean

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Farming by trucks
  2. Production of trucks
  3. Vegetable growing
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Vegetable growing

384. The length of the coastline of Nepal is

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 2562 Km
  2. 5000 Km
  3. 0 Km
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 0 Km

385. The sub-Himalayas or outermost Himalayas is also known as

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lesser Himalayas
  2. Great Snowy Himalayas
  3. The Siwaliks
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: The Siwaliks

386. „Rab-ul-Kali? desert is located in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Africa
  2. Pakistan
  3. Saudi Arabia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Saudi Arabia

387. Rivers White Nile and Blue Nile converge at

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Khartoum
  2. Sudan
  3. Omdurman
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Khartoum

388. Rivers White Nile and Blue Nile converge at

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Khartoum
  2. Sudan
  3. Omdurman
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Khartoum

389. Haphazard cutting and burning of vegetation is part of _____ agriculture

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nomadic
  2. Shifting
  3. Subsistence
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Shifting

390. Which of the following is not a fuel?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Magnetite
  2. Lignite
  3. Natural Gas
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Magnetite

391. The Suez Canal was constructed in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1869
  2. 1857
  3. 1971
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 1869

392. Panama Canal lies in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. North America
  2. South America
  3. Forms the boundary between North and South America
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Forms the boundary between North and South America.

393. In economic geography Isotims and Isodapanes are related to

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Transport cost
  2. Retailing
  3. Barter trade
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Transport cost

394. The portion of the world permanently inhabited by man is called

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ecosystem
  2. Ecumene
  3. MDC
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Ecumene

395. The five rivers of Punjab join the Indus at

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Pathankot
  2. Mithankot
  3. Hazara
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Mithankot

396. The height of Mount Everest is about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 8000 m
  2. 8848 m
  3. 9000 m
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 8848 m

397. The length of Indus river is about

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 2900 Km
  2. 2500 Km
  3. 3500 Km
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 2900 Km

398. Tomb of Khawaja Farid is in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kot Mitthan
  2. Pak Patan
  3. Multan
  4. Jhang
Correct Answer: Kot Mitthan

399. River Kabul joins Indus River near:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dera Ismail Khan
  2. Kalabagh
  3. Attock
  4. Nowshera
Correct Answer: Attock

400. "Lowari Pass" connects:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dir with Chitral
  2. Dir with Malakand
  3. Chitral with Swat
  4. Chitral with Malakand
Correct Answer: Dir with Chitral

401. The Treaty of Versailles settled peace in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Africa
  2. America
  3. Middle East Europe
Correct Answer: Europe

402. Continental Shelf limits of Pakistan is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 12 Nautical Miles
  2. 100 Nautical Miles
  3. 250 Nautical Miles
  4. 350 Nautical Miles
Correct Answer: 350 Nautical Miles

403. What is the total length of coastline of Pakistan?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1020 Km
  2. 1046 KM
  3. 1095 KM
  4. 1126 KM
Correct Answer: 1046 KM

404. Dome of Rock is located in ______.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Jerusalem
  2. Lebanon
  3. Jordan
  4. Iraq
Correct Answer: Jerusalem

405. Sindh was separated from Bombay in _______.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1929
  2. 1935
  3. 1937
  4. 1947
Correct Answer: 1935

406. Timbuktu is the famous city of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mali
  2. Egypt
  3. Spain
  4. Iraq
Correct Answer: Mali

407. Three Gorges Dam is located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. USA
  2. India
  3. China Canada
Correct Answer: China

408. Deforestation at large scale can be observed at:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Atlantic forest
  2. Amazon forest
  3. Borneo forest
  4. Sumatra forest
Correct Answer: Amazon forest

409. Wakhan Corridor is located to the _____________ of Pakistan.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. West
  2. East
  3. North
  4. South-West
Correct Answer: North

410. The Shandur Pass connects Chitral with

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Gilgit
  2. Swat
  3. Malam Jabba
  4. Kaghan
Correct Answer: Gilgit

411. Nanga Parbat is the highest peak of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Himalayan
  2. Karakoram
  3. Hindu Kush
  4. Suleman Range
Correct Answer: Himalayan

412. River Kabul joins Indus River near:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dera Ismail Khan
  2. Kalabagh
  3. Attock
  4. Nowshera
Correct Answer: Attock

414. What is the length of Karakoram Highway?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 810 miles
  2. 910 miles
  3. 710 miles
  4. 610 miles
Correct Answer: 810 miles

416. Katas Raj Temples are reverd Hindu temples in Pakistan. In which district the temples reside?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Jhelum
  2. Chakwal
  3. Mianwali
  4. Dera Ghazi Khan
Correct Answer: Chakwal

417. Sindh Sagar Doab is one of the five major doabs of the Punjab province. It is the tract of land between the following rivers.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indus and Chanab
  2. Chenab and Jhelum
  3. Indus and Jhelum
  4. Jhelum and Ravi
Correct Answer: Indus and Jhelum

418. Which city was hit by the earthquake of 1935?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Muzaffarabad
  2. Quetta
  3. Attock
  4. Peshawar
Correct Answer: Quetta

419. In which country does the Batura Glacier lie?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Pakistan
  2. China
  3. Nepal
  4. India
Correct Answer: Pakistan

420. Which province among the following has Uch Gas Field?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  2. Punjab
  3. Balochistan
  4. Sindh
Correct Answer: Balochistan

421. How many countries are there in Asia?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 48
  2. 49
  3. 50
  4. 46
Correct Answer: 48

422. Which gas field among the following is the second largest gas field in Pakistan which is being operated by OCGDL?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bobi Gasfield
  2. Chachar gas field
  3. Qadirupr Gas field
  4. Uch Gas field
Correct Answer: Qadirpur Gas field

423. Kartarpur corridor links which Gurdwara to India:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Panja Sahib
  2. Darbar Sahib
  3. Sacha Sauda
  4. Rohri Sahib
Correct Answer: Darbar Sahib

424. Antarctica is located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. North Pole
  2. South Pole
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: South Pole

425. Total length of Durand line is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 2422 km
  2. 2421 km
  3. 2423 km
  4. 2430 km
Correct Answer: 2430 km

426. River Nile flows through which of the following cities?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tripoli
  2. Damascus
  3. Cairo
  4. Aden
Correct Answer: Cairo

427. Which of the following river flows in Canada?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mackenzie River
  2. Nelson River
  3. Fraser River
  4. all of these
Correct Answer: All of these

428. Which part of world is known as "Great Britain of Pacific?"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Japan
  2. Thailand
  3. USA
  4. Mexico
Correct Answer: Japan

429. ________ is considered the largest Glacier in world located in Antarctica.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lambert-Fisher Glacier
  2. Denman Glacier
  3. Gilbert Glacier
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Lambert-Fisher Glacier

430. Where is The Pyramids of Giza situated?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Egypt
  2. Sudan
  3. Congo
  4. South Africa
Correct Answer: Eqypt

431. Akosombo Dam is constructed on Volta River in _________.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Niger
  2. Egypt
  3. Ghana
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Ghana

432. Ching Ping Dam is located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Japan
  2. China
  3. Thailand
  4. South Korea
Correct Answer: China

433. The Diamir-Bhasha Dam is in the preliminary stages of Construction. It is on river:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kabul
  2. Jhelum
  3. Ravi
  4. Indus
Correct Answer: Indus

434. Nagomo Karabakh region is recognised as part of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Georgia
  2. Turkey
  3. Azerbaijan
  4. Iran
Correct Answer: Azerbaijan

435. ______ of North America is currently named as Denali Peak

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mount McKinley
  2. Mount Sanford
  3. Mount Vancouver
  4. Mount Fair-weather
Correct Answer: Mount McKinley

436. Poonch river is tributary of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indus
  2. Jhelum
  3. Ravi
  4. Chenab
Correct Answer: Jhelum

437. Shukhov Tower is located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Russia
  2. France
  3. Iraq
  4. Iran
Correct Answer: Russia

438. In which park, Minar-e-Pakistan is located:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Greater Jinnah Park
  2. Greater Iqbal Park
  3. Greater Gulshan Park
  4. Greater Shalimar Garden
Correct Answer: Greater Iqbal Park

439. Astore District is located in which area?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Baluchistan
  2. Khyber Pukhtunkhwa
  3. Giligit-Baltistan
  4. Sindh
Correct Answer: Gilgit-Baltistan

440. Which is the only district bordering all four provinces of Pakistan?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Loralai
  2. Dera Ghazi Khan
  3. Dera Ismail Khan
  4. Nasirabad
Correct Answer: Dera Ghazi Khan

441. Pakistan has the shortest boundary with:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. India
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Iran
  4. China
Correct Answer: China

442. Vienna is a city located on the bank of river:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Danube
  2. Seine
  3. Rhine
  4. Elbe
Correct Answer: Danube

443. Where Alfalah Building is situated?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Rawalpindi
  2. Islamabad
  3. Lahore
  4. Faisalabad
Correct Answer: Lahore

444. "Manchar Lake" is situated in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. KPK
  2. Punjab
  3. Sindh
  4. Balochistan
Correct Answer: Sindh

445. From where Jhelum River starts?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tibet
  2. Held Kashmir
  3. Azad Kashmir
  4. Madhopur
Correct Answer: Held Kashmir

446. North and South poles are separated by?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Plane of Equator
  2. The international date line
  3. The plane of tropic of cancer
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: None of these

447. Bardlaugh Hall has been venue of some of the most important events in history of Pakistan and India. In which city is it located?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Rawalpindi
  2. Lahore
  3. Islamabad
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Lahore

448. "Dasht-e-Lut" desert is located in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. China
  2. Iran
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Uzbekistan
Correct Answer: Iran

449. The General Cemetery of Santiage is situated in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Brazil
  2. Argentina
  3. Mexico
  4. Chile
Correct Answer: Chile

450. Hanna Lake is situated near:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Quetta
  2. Karachi
  3. Sialkot
  4. Peshawar
Correct Answer: Quetta

451. Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is situated in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Germany
  2. Italy
  3. Spain
  4. France
Correct Answer: Spain

452. Kilimanjaro is a mountain located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nepal
  2. Tanzania
  3. Somalia
  4. South-Africa
Correct Answer: Tanzania

453. Cape of Good Hope is situated in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Chile
  2. India
  3. Australia
  4. South Africa
Correct Answer: South Africa

454. "Derawar Fort" is located in District:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Jhelum
  2. Bahawalpur
  3. Muzaffarabad
  4. Chakwal
Correct Answer: Bahawalpur

455. "Great Bear Lake" is located in which country?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. UK
  2. Canada
  3. Australia
  4. Pakistan
Correct Answer: Canada

456. The world's biggest island is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Green Land
  2. Madagascar
  3. Sumatra
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Green Land

457. Nai Gaj Dam is being constructed in which province of Pakistan

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Punjab
  2. Sindh
  3. KPK
  4. Balochistan
Correct Answer: Sindh

458. Khanpur Dam is built on which river?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kabul
  2. Soan
  3. Indus
  4. Haro
Correct Answer: Haro

459. The Major Part of Great Rift Valley is located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. USA
  2. Africa
  3. South Smerica
  4. Australia
Correct Answer: Africa

460. In which of the following countries Atlas Mountains are found

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tunisia Libya Algena
  2. Tunisia Libya Egypt
  3. Tunisia Algeria Morocco
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Tunisia Algeria Morocco

461. Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean meet near:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cape of Good Hope
  2. Aden
  3. Singapore
  4. no where
Correct Answer: Cape of Good Hope

462. Which of the following dam is considered the largest concrete dam of the world?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Three Gorges Dam
  2. Tarbela Dam Pakistan
  3. Bhakra Dam India
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Three Gorge Dam

463. Which of the following is a salt water lake?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hanna Lake
  2. Hamun i Mushkhel Lake
  3. Hamun i Lora Lake
  4. all of these
Correct Answer: Hamun i Mushkhel Lake

464. The seaport "Rotterdam" is in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Belgium
  2. Netherlands
  3. Australia
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Netherlands

465. _____ is the largest dam of Pakistan.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tarbela
  2. Mangla
  3. Warsak
  4. Gomal Zam
Correct Answer: Tarbela

466. Which is the smallest Sea of the world?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Black Sea
  2. Red Sea
  3. Baltic Sea
  4. South China Sea
Correct Answer: Baltic Sea

467. The largest ocean of the world is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Atlantic ocean
  2. Pacific ocean
  3. Indian ocean
  4. Arctic ocean
Correct Answer: Pacific ocean

468. Where is Machu Picchu located?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Chile
  2. Peru
  3. Brazil
  4. Argentina
Correct Answer: Peru

469. Which of the following is a favous city of Iraq?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Istanbul
  2. Izmir
  3. Mashhad
  4. Baghdad
Correct Answer: Baghdad

470. Which of the following mountains in North America which is known as "Denali Peak"?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. McKinley
  2. Sandford
  3. Mount Logan
  4. Fair-weather
Correct Answer: McKinley

471. Vienna city is located on the bank of river:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Danube
  2. Seine
  3. Rhine
  4. Elbe
Correct Answer: Danube

472. Which of the following country has largest ga reserves?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Russia
  2. Qatar
  3. Iran
  4. China
Correct Answer: Russia

473. Waterloo, where Napoleon was finally defeated, is situated in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. France
  2. Germany
  3. Holland
  4. Belgium
Correct Answer: Belgium

474. Lake Tana is present in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Algeria
  2. Uganda
  3. Ethiopia
  4. Somalia
Correct Answer: Ethiopia

475. Which of the following river does not form delta before falling into sea?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Amazon river
  2. Ok Tedi River
  3. Columbia River
  4. All of these
Correct Answer: Amazon river

476. Salang Tunnel is located in the Hindu Kush mountains, It connects the following cities:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kabul and Heart
  2. Kabul and Mazar Sharif Herat and Mazar Sharif
  3. Kandahar and Kabul
Correct Answer: Kabul and Mazar Sharif

477. Siachen glacier is in ______ mountain range.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hindu Kush
  2. Karakoram
  3. Himalayas
  4. Pamir
Correct Answer: Karakoram

478. What is the old name of Chennai?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Patna
  2. Jaipur
  3. Madras
  4. Daulat Abad
Correct Answer: Madras

479. Tirch Mir is a mountain range in ____.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hindu Kush
  2. Karakoram
  3. Himalayas
  4. Pamir
Correct Answer: Hindu Kush

480. Montreal is a city in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Australia
  2. Germany
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Canada
Correct Answer: Canada

481. Mohenjo Daro is called:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mount of the dead
  2. Mound of the dead
  3. Heap of the dead
  4. Legacy of the dead
Correct Answer: Mount of the dead

482. What is the height of Nanga Parbat?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 8612 m
  2. 8126 m
  3. 8216 m
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 8126 m

483. Tourmaline, a gem stone, is found in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Chitral
  2. Giligit Baltistan
  3. Kohistan
  4. Chaghai
Correct Answer: Chitral

484. Arch of Janus is present in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Greece
  2. Vatican City
  3. Roman Italy
  4. Scotland UK
Correct Answer: Rome Italy

485. Greater Iqbal Park in Lahore, where Minar-e-Pakistan is located, was previously called:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nasir Bagh
  2. Gol Bagh
  3. Napier Park
  4. Minto Park
Correct Answer: Minto Park

486. Hijaz mountains are found in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iran
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Kuwait
  4. Iraq
Correct Answer: Saudi Arabia

487. "Ring of Fire" refers to the ring of volcanoes present in _______.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ring of earthquakes
  2. Five Permanent member of UN
  3. Circum-Pacific Belt
  4. Five continents
Correct Answer: Circum-Pacific Belt

488. The Khunjerab Pass connects Pakistan with _______

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iran
  2. Afghanistan
  3. China
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: China

489. Khanpur Dam is built on which river?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kabul
  2. Soan
  3. Indus
  4. Haro
Correct Answer: Haro

490. Broad peak is the _____ highest mountain in Pakistan.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Second
  2. Third
  3. Fourth
  4. Fifth
Correct Answer: Fourth

491. The longest International border in the world is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. USA-Canada
  2. Russia-Kazakhstan
  3. Argentina-Chile
  4. India-China
Correct Answer: USA-Canada

492. Pakistan is connected to Afghanistan via:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Gomal Pass
  2. Tochi Pass
  3. Khyber Pass
  4. Khunjerab Pass
Correct Answer: Khyber Pass

493. Which among the following is the largest ocean of the World?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Atlantic ocean
  2. Pacific ocean
  3. Indian ocean
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Pacific ocean

494. Terbela Dam is on which river?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indus
  2. Jhelum
  3. Ravi
  4. Chenab
Correct Answer: Indus

495. Gobi Desert is located in which country?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. China
  2. Mongolia
  3. Uzbekistan
  4. Both A & B
Correct Answer: Both A & B

496. Where is Waterloo situated?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Italy
  2. France
  3. Spain
  4. Belgium
Correct Answer: Belgium

497. Which river flows under west minister Abbey Bridge.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Volga
  2. Tiber
  3. Thamas
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Thamas

498. Which among the following is called Pink City?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hyderabad
  2. Multan
  3. Jaipur
  4. Ali Garh
Correct Answer: Jaipur

499. Which Viceroy is known as penultimate viceroy of the sub-continent?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Linlithgow
  2. Wavell
  3. Mountbatten
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Wavell

500. How many are great lakes in the world?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 10
  4. 15
Correct Answer: 10

501. Which is the longest river of the world?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Amazon
  2. Neil
  3. Yangtze
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Neil

502. Euphrates is a long river flowing through Syria, Turkey and ______.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Iraq
  3. Yemen
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Iraq

503. The Wakhan Corridor located to the north of Pakistan belongs to:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Pakistan
  2. Turkmenistan
  3. Tajikistan
  4. Afghanistan
Correct Answer: Afghanistan

504. Which of the following country is situated on Equator?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Maldives
  2. Gabon
  3. Indonesia
  4. All of these
Correct Answer: All of these

505. Sub-Saharan Africa is, geographically, the area of Africa that lie of the Sahara.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. North
  2. South
  3. West
  4. East
Correct Answer: South

506. ______ is an elevated portion of the land with some summit area.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Glacier
  2. Mountain
  3. Mound
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Mountain

507. Which is the world's largest landlocked country?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tajakistan
  2. Kyrgyzstan
  3. Kazakhstan
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Kazakenstan

508. Which of the following is the world's largest inland water body?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Aral Sea
  2. Caspian Sea
  3. Black Sea
  4. Sea of Azov
Correct Answer: Caspian Sea

509. Head Sulemanki is on which of the following rivers?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. River Ravi
  2. River Jhelum
  3. River Sutlej
  4. River Chenab
Correct Answer: River Sutlej

510. Which state of India was struck by lighting more than 36,000 times in 13 hours?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Uttar Pardesh
  2. Central Pardesh
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Andhra Pardesh
Correct Answer: Andhra Pardesh

511. Deccan Plateaue

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. India
Correct Answer: India

512. Largest in Africa

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nigeria
Correct Answer: Nigeria

513. Deep Ocian

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Pacific
Correct Answer: Pacific ocean

514. Peru in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. South America
Correct Answer: South America

515. "Siachen Glacier" is situated in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hindu Kush
  2. Karakoram
  3. Himalayas
  4. Pamir
Correct Answer: Karakoram

516. The height of Nanga Parbat is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 8
  2. 126 m
  3. 7
  4. 521 m
  5. 6
  6. 125 m
  7. 9
  8. 500 m
Correct Answer: 8,126 m

517. Tourmaline is classified as a semi-precious stone and the gemstone can be found in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Gilgit
  2. Chitral
  3. Swat
  4. Muree
Correct Answer: Chitral

518. Tirich Mir (peak) is located in which moutain range?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hindukash
  2. Karakorum
  3. Koh-e-Sufaid
  4. Sulaiman
Correct Answer: Hindu Kush

519. The River Thames is located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. England
  2. Scotland
  3. Ireland
  4. Finland
Correct Answer: England

520. Which country is called "Land of Thousand Islands"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Malaysia
  2. Indonesia
  3. Ireland
  4. Finland
Correct Answer: Indonesia

521. Wakhan Corridor separates Pakistan from:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. India
  2. Afghanistan
  3. Tajikistan
  4. India
Correct Answer: Tajikistan

522. Nilli Ravi is a breed of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Camel
  2. Buffalo
  3. Sheep
  4. Deer
Correct Answer: Buffalo

523. "Red Lake" is situated in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Canada
  2. Russia
  3. America
  4. France
Correct Answer: America

524. "Mount Kinabalu" is located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indonesia
  2. Malaysia
  3. Kenya
  4. Botswana
Correct Answer: Malaysia

525. The Karakorum Highway (N-35) starts from:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Haripur
  2. Wah
  3. Hassan Abdal
  4. Taxila
Correct Answer: Hassan Abdal

526. Bronze era started from which country?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Syria
  2. Egypt
  3. Turkey
  4. Yemen
Correct Answer: Egypt

527. The Reko Diq mine is located near Reko Dig town in Chagai District Province of ______?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Punjab
  2. Sindh
  3. Baluchistan
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Baluchistan