1. He is blind _________ one eye.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. in
  2. of
  3. to
  4. with
Correct Answer: of

2. I am very much ________ to meet you.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. delight
  2. to delight
  3. delighting
  4. delighted
Correct Answer: delighted

3. It is certain that human beings ______ latent power of which they are only vaguely aware

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. exhibit
  2. possess
  3. impose
  4. knowledge
Correct Answer: possess

4. At one's wit's end

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Perplexed
  2. Clear Up
  3. Explain
  4. Enlighten
Correct Answer: Option A Explanation: Perplexed means cause to feel completely baffled. Example: Rahul was at his wit's end to find that his sister has failed.

5. “En-route” means_________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. oneway direction
  2. On the way
  3. Long distance
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: On the way

6. A person who talks in his/her sleep is known as ___________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bourgeois
  2. Insomnist
  3. ventriloquist
  4. Somniloquist
Correct Answer: Somniloquist

7. A disease that is liable to be transmitted to people through the environment is known as ___________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Contagious
  2. Infectious
  3. Fatal
  4. Incurable
Correct Answer: Infectious

8. Something that is hard but liable to break easily is known as _______?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Brittle
  2. Flexible
  3. Resilient
  4. Supple
Correct Answer: Brittle

9. A person fluent in two languages is known as _________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bilingual
  2. Bigot
  3. Bigamy
  4. Brittle
Correct Answer: Bilingual

11. Synonym of ARROGANT is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Conceited
  2. Humble
  3. Progressive
  4. Noble
Correct Answer: Conceited

12. Synonym of ALERT is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Intelligent
  2. Energetic
  3. Observant
  4. Watchful
Correct Answer: Watchful

13. Synonym of EMBEZZLE is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Remunerate
  2. Clear
  3. Balance
  4. Misappropriate
Correct Answer: Misappropriate

14. Synonym of BRIEF is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Small
  2. Short
  3. Little
  4. Limited
Correct Answer: Short

15. Synonym of EMACIATED is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. very fat
  2. very thin
  3. very small
  4. very heavy
Correct Answer: very thin

16. Synonym of LETHARGY is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Serenity
  2. Laxity
  3. Active
  4. Bold
Correct Answer: Laxity

17. Synonym of DELEGATE is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Representative
  2. Officer
  3. Member
  4. Servant
Correct Answer: Representative

18. Synonym of PRECARIOUS is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Safe
  2. Brittle
  3. Perilous
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Perilous

19. Synonym of EXUDE is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ooze
  2. Overflow
  3. Wither
  4. Evaporate
Correct Answer: Ooze

20. Synonym of ZEALOT is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Fanatic
  2. Apathy
  3. Liberal
  4. Impious
Correct Answer: Fanatic

21. Synonym of ZEST is _____________?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Passive
  2. Enthusiasm
  3. Disgust
  4. Various
Correct Answer: Enthusiasm

22. Consider the word: Segregation, choose the word given below that reveals the opposite meaning.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Appreciation
  2. Collecting
  3. Integration
  4. Union
Correct Answer: Integration

23. The square of standard deviation is called:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Variance
  2. Dispersion
  3. Range
  4. Mean
Correct Answer: Variance

24. Synonym of “pronto” is -----?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. precisely
  2. languidly
  3. quickly
  4. urgently
Correct Answer: quickly

25. Change the Voice of the following sentence. "Have you laughed at them?"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Why have you laughed at them?
  2. Have they been laughed at by you?
  3. You have been laughed at by them
  4. The have been laughed at by you
Correct Answer: Have they been laughed at by you?,

26. Correct the sentence by choosing right option for the underlined portion: "I am tired as I am working since morning"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. I was working
  2. I have been working
  3. I had been working
  4. I will be working
Correct Answer: I have been working

27. Change the narration: The old lady said to her son, "Is it not your duty to help me in my old age?"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. The old lady asked her son if it was not his duty to help her in her old age
  2. The old lady asked her son that was it not his duty to help her in her old age
  3. The old lady asked her son if it were not his duty to have helped her in her old age
  4. The old lady had asked her son if it was not his duty to help her in her old age.
Correct Answer: The old lady asked her son if it was not his duty to help her in her old age

28. What does the phrase "Putting the cart before the horse" means?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To do something contrary to conventional order
  2. To be ready to go
  3. To do things in correct order
  4. To be over active
Correct Answer: To do something contrary to conventional order

29. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: "To fish in troubled waters"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To benefit from other people's troubles
  2. To indulge in evil conspiracies
  3. To aggravate the situation
  4. To catch fish in disturbed waters
Correct Answer: To benefit from other people's troubles

30. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: "One in a blue moon"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. ONce in a month
  2. By weekly
  3. On rare occasions
  4. Every now and then
Correct Answer: One rare occasions

32. Change the Voice of the following sentence. "Do you know my father?"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Is my father known to you?
  2. Did you know my father?
  3. Does my father known to you?
  4. Do you know mine father?
Correct Answer: Is my father known to you?

33. WIPO is the abbreviation of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. World International Peace Organization
  2. World International Property Organization
  3. World Intellectual Property Organization
  4. Web Intellectual Property Organization
Correct Answer: World Intellectual Property Organization

34. Choose the correct Antonym: Ruthless

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Brutal
  2. Compassionate
  3. Ferocious
  4. Cold-Blooded
Correct Answer: Compassionate

35. Choose the correct meaning of "Torque".

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Turban
  2. Jest
  3. Turkish Sash
  4. A force that tends to cause rotation
Correct Answer: A force that tends to cause rotation

36. Antonym of "Gullible" is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Astute
  2. Credulous
  3. Trustful
  4. Naive
Correct Answer: Astute

37. What does LED stand for:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Low Emission Diode
  2. Light Emitting Diode
  3. Low Energy Device
  4. Laser Energy Display
Correct Answer: Light Emitting Diode

38. Indicate the indirect form. Saleem said, "I do not eat mangoes".

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Saleem said. he did not eat mangoes
  2. Saleem said that he did not eat mangoes
  3. Saleem said that he does not eat mangoes
  4. Saleem exclaimed that he does not eat mangoes
Correct Answer: Saleem said that he did not eat mangoes

39. It is high time to do something means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Already late
  2. Appropriate time
  3. Desired occasion
  4. Auspicious moment
Correct Answer: Appropriate time

40. Fill int he blank: "He knocked _______ two bottles of milk in ten minutes."

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Down
  2. About
  3. Against
  4. Up
Correct Answer: Down

41. Synonym of "Luminary

  • Subject:  Generic

42. Synonym of "Luminary" is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Celebrity
  2. Glowing
  3. Shinning
  4. Pleb
Correct Answer: Celebrity

43. Change he narration: he dying soldier said, "Let me have a look at the battlefield."

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. The dying soldier suggest that he may have a look at the battlefield
  2. The dying solider requested to look at the battlefield
  3. The dying solider wished to have a look at the battlefield
  4. The dying solider wished that he had a look at the battlefield
Correct Answer: The dying solider wished to have a look at the battlefield

44. Complete the proverb: "Keep your friends close and your enemies"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Close
  2. Closer
  3. Away
  4. Apart
Correct Answer: Apart

45. "Drought" is one word substitution of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lack of
  2. A shooting some
  3. Run away from war
  4. outdated syrup
Correct Answer: Lack of

46. The Antonym of "FRUGAL" is?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Funny
  2. Simple
  3. Spendthrift
  4. Economical
Correct Answer: Spendthrift

47. The Antonym of "AFFLUENCE" is?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dearth
  2. Trash
  3. Indignant
  4. Pungent
Correct Answer: Dearth

48. Choose the most appropriate antonym of "Vilify":

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To praise
  2. To sing
  3. To weep
  4. To sleep
Correct Answer: To praise

49. Small talk means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To Praise
  2. A discussion carried for a long time
  3. A brief discussion
  4. A debate
Correct Answer: A brief discussion

50. Choose the Synonym of "Inveigh"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Allure
  2. Remonstrate
  3. Entice
  4. Support
Correct Answer: Remonstrate

51. Change the Voice of the following sentence: "Sweets are not liked by us."

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. We do not like sweets
  2. Sweets have not been liked by us
  3. we are not liking sweet
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Sweets have not been liked by us

52. Select the correct spellings.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Victory
  2. Victary
  3. Victery
  4. Victori
Correct Answer: Victory

53. Fill in the blank: He would enjoy this, if he ______ present.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. be
  2. had been
  3. was
  4. were
Correct Answer: was

54. Antonym of "Jocular" is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Witty
  2. Facetious
  3. Amusing
  4. Solemn
Correct Answer: Solemn

55. Choose the correct indirect speech of: He asked, "Who speaks French?"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. He wanted to know which spoke French
  2. He want to know who speak French
  3. He wanted to know who was to speak French
  4. He wanted to know who spoke French
Correct Answer: He want to know who speak French

56. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom: To End in Smoke

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To come to nothing
  2. Keep away from
  3. Extreme hard work
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: To come to nothing

57. Fill in the blank: Do you always come to the office _______ bike?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. On
  2. By
  3. In
  4. From
Correct Answer: By

58. What is the synonym of Ostensible?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Apparent
  2. Latent
  3. Opposite
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Apparent

59. Fill in the blank: "You must stick ______ your promise".

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. In
  2. On
  3. By
  4. To
Correct Answer: To

60. Fill in the Blanks: Alcohol is injurious health.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. For
  2. To
  3. With
  4. Of
Correct Answer: To

61. Complete the sentence. He _____ a factory in this town.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Have
  2. Has
  3. Is having
  4. was having
Correct Answer: Ha

62. Complete the sentence. He _____ a factory in this town.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Have
  2. Has
  3. Is having
  4. was having
Correct Answer: Has

64. Did you hear _____ the accident last night?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Of
  2. On
  3. In
  4. About
Correct Answer: Of

65. Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: "To plough the sand"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To make the desert bloom
  2. To work in vain
  3. To do a difficult work
  4. To make the desert fertile
Correct Answer: To work in vain

66. Choose the correct sentence that best represent the reported speech: You said to your father, "Please grant him leave for some time."

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. You told your father to let him leave for a short while
  2. you advised your father to grant him leave for some time
  3. You requested your father to grant him leave for some time
  4. You said to your father to grant you leave for some time
Correct Answer: You requested your father to grant him leave for some time

67. Who is the author of "Now or Never, Are We to Live or perish Forever"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ch Rehmat Ali
  2. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
  3. Allama Iqbal
  4. Haji Shariatullah
Correct Answer: Ch. Rehmat Ali

69. Leo Tolstoy was a:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Famous Russian General
  2. Communist Leader
  3. Great Novelist
  4. Inventor
Correct Answer: Great Novelist

71. Pristine Antonym is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Pure
  2. Impure
  3. Fresh
  4. Flawless
Correct Answer: Imprure

72. What is the meaning of the idiom/proverb "To spill the beans"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To reveal Secret Information
  2. To make peace
  3. End a quarrel
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: To reveal Secret Information

73. She inquired _____ my health.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. After
  2. for
  3. about
  4. in
Correct Answer: after

74. What the phrase "good offices" signifies?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. A well-managed office
  2. Beneficial acts performed for others
  3. A company with good repute
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Beneficial acts performed for others

75. It is high time to do something means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Already late
  2. Appropriate time
  3. Desired occasion
  4. Auspicious moment
Correct Answer: Appropriate time

76. "Higher than hope" is an autobiography written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dr. King
  2. Nelson Mandela
  3. Malcom X
  4. Muhammad Ali
Correct Answer: Nelson Mandela

77. Choose the correct synonym of Ecstasy:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Remorse
  2. Lugubriousness
  3. Exultation
  4. Grimness
Correct Answer: Exultation

78. He hath a wisdom that doth guide his:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Fortune
  2. Valour
  3. Bravery
  4. Intention
Correct Answer: Valour

79. What is the synonym of AMBIGUOUS?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Limpid
  2. Transparent
  3. Lurid
  4. Unclear
Correct Answer: Unclear

81. DPI stands for:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dots per Index
  2. Divide per inch
  3. Dots per inch
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Dots per inch

82. In a jiffy means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. A long time
  2. A very short time
  3. A tensed situation
  4. On the horns of dilemma
Correct Answer: A very short ime

83. What is the synonym of HAUGHTY?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Modest
  2. Humble
  3. Conceited
  4. All of these
Correct Answer: Conceited

84. What is the synonym of PROFANE?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Irreverent
  2. Condescending
  3. Deign
  4. All of these
Correct Answer: Irreverent

85. Find the odd one out from the following:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. London
  2. Lyon
  3. Sevilla
  4. Belfast
Correct Answer: London

86. Do not change _____ in midstream.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ideas
  2. Plans
  3. Horses
  4. Hounds
Correct Answer: Horses

87. He boasts ______ his wealth.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. in
  2. of
  3. to
  4. by
Correct Answer: of

88. He was ignorant _____ the whole situation.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. With
  2. of
  3. by
  4. from
Correct Answer: of

89. The authority failed to carry ______ its statutory duties.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. with
  2. on
  3. out
  4. up
Correct Answer: on

90. Arms and the Man is a comedy play written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Shakespears
  2. G.B. Shaw
  3. Oscar Wilde
  4. H.G Wells
Correct Answer: G.B Shaw

91. A tale of two cities is a novel set in two cities during the period of French Revolution. It was written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mark Twain
  2. Charles Dickens
  3. Jane Austen
  4. Oscar Wilde
Correct Answer: Charles Dickens

92. Fill in the blank: "Lay _____ something for the rainy day."

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. down
  2. by
  3. before
  4. on
Correct Answer: by

93. As knife is to cut then shave is to ________.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Blade
  2. Lather
  3. Mirror
  4. Razor
Correct Answer: Razor

94. Who is the author of the Book "Gulliver's Travels"?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Charles Dickens
  2. Jonathan Swift
  3. Lewis Carrol
  4. J.K. Rowling
Correct Answer: Jonathan Swift

95. Fill int the blanks: "New legislation _____ in the Assembly but it _______ y many."

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. was introduced / was not accepted
  2. introduced / did not accept
  3. is introduced / won't accept
  4. introduced / hadn't been
Correct Answer: was introduced / was not accepted

96. The Synonym of "Inquest" is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Talk
  2. Arrest
  3. Indulge
  4. Inquiry
Correct Answer: Inquiry

97. Correct the following sentence by identifying the right option: Do you like dogs? Yes, I like.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Do you like dogs? Yes I do
  2. Do you like dogs? Yes I liked
  3. Do you liked dogs? Yes I did
  4. Do you like dogs? Yes I like.
Correct Answer: Do you like dogs? Yes I do

98. Please fill in the blank: "Mother is _____ preparations for Eid."

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Making
  2. Doing
  3. Preparing
  4. Working
Correct Answer: Making

99. Synonym of "Cheeky" is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Impure
  2. Impudent
  3. Impressive
  4. Impassable
Correct Answer: Impudent

100. He is knocking _____ the door.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. On
  2. Of
  3. Over
  4. At
Correct Answer: At

101. Fill in the blank: Abdul grabbed the boy and rolled him on the ground to the flames.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Fizz out
  2. Smother
  3. Burn out
  4. Encourage
Correct Answer: Burn out

102. Fill in the blank. He went ______ the direction of the post office.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. at
  2. in
  3. to
  4. of
Correct Answer: to

103. LCM stands for?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Least count multiple
  2. Less common multiple
  3. least common multiple
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Least common multiple

104. You cannot have your ______ and eat it?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Apple
  2. Cake
  3. Bun
  4. Biscuit
Correct Answer: Cake

105. Abdul Said, it is four O'clock now Mark the correct indirect?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Abdul told that it has been four O'clock then
  2. Abdul told that it was four O
  3. clock then
  4. Abdul told that it had been four O'clock then
  5. None of these
Correct Answer: Abdul told that it was four O,clock then

106. He lived _____ Model Town, _____ Lahore?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. at at
  2. in at
  3. of at
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

107. Take a leaf out of someone's book means?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To snatch something
  2. Imitate or emulate someone in particular way
  3. To cheat
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Imitate or emulate someone in particular way

108. Who is knocking ______ the door?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. at
  2. of
  3. by
  4. in
Correct Answer: at

109. Synonyms of Blasphemy is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Irrespective
  2. Irreverence
  3. Unholy
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Irreverence

110. This work is beyond his _____

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Capacity
  2. Strength
  3. Worth
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Capacity

111. To give up smoking means?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Stop smoking
  2. Arrange smoking
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Stop smoking

112. Asaar-e-Sanadeed was book upon?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Architecture
  2. Books
  3. Personalities
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Architecture

113. Living History is a book by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bill Clinton
  2. Hillary Clinton
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Hillary Clinton

114. Thoughts on Pakistan written by?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. B.R. Ambedkar
  2. Jyotirao Phule
  3. Savita Ambedkar
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: B. R Ambedkar

115. Turn to passive voice: "The girl is riding the horse"

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. The horse is being ridden by the girl
  2. The horse is ridden by the girl
  3. The horse has been ridden by the girl
  4. The horse was being ridden by the girl.
Correct Answer: The horse is being ridden by the girl

116. Change the Voice of the following sentence: "Was she sewing my shirt"?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Was y shirt sewing by her?
  2. Was my shirt been sewing by her?
  3. Had my shirt been sewed by her?
  4. Was my shirt being sewn by her?
Correct Answer: Was my shirt being sewn by her?

117. Identify the closest meaning of the underlined word. Only _astute_ politicians can meet this situation.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Wicked
  2. Shrewd
  3. Corrupt
  4. Honest
Correct Answer: Shrewd

118. What is the antonym of "Benign"?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Malevolent
  2. Soft
  3. Friendly
  4. Foolish
Correct Answer: Malevolent

119. Identify the closest meaning of underlined word. In this modern age everyone resorts to sycophancy.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Affection
  2. Sophistication
  3. Avariciousness
  4. Flattery
Correct Answer: Flattery

120. Who is the author of republic?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Plato
  2. Socrates
  3. Archimedes
  4. Ptolemy
Correct Answer: Plato

121. Change the narration: I said to my son, "You are sure to top the list of the successful candidates."

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. I said to my son that he is sure to top the list of the successful candidates
  2. I said to my son if he was sure to top the list of the success candidates
  3. I told my son that he was sure to top the list of the successful candidates
  4. I told my son that he were sure to have topped the list of the successful candidates
Correct Answer: I told my son that he was sure to top the list of the successful candidates

122. Find the correct indirect sentence: Nazir said, "I did my duty with full justice".

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nazir told that he had done his duty with full justice
  2. Nazir said that he had doe his duty with full justice
  3. Nazir said he had done his duty with full justice
  4. Nazir told that he did his duty with full justice
Correct Answer: Nazir said that he had doe his duty with full justice

123. Convert to direction from: He said, "Hurrah! We have won the match".

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match
  2. He told them that they had won the match
  3. He asked if they had won the match
  4. He exclaimed that they have won the match
Correct Answer: He exclaimed with joy that they had won the match

124. Fill in the blank with suitable word: Don't change _______ in midstream.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Players
  2. Members
  3. Horses
  4. Trophies
Correct Answer: Horses

125. The term PVC stands for:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Poly Vinyl Chlorine
  2. Poly Vinyl Chloride
  3. Pepto Vinyl Chlorine
  4. Pepto Vinyl Chloroform
Correct Answer: Poly Vinyl Chloride

126. Choose the Voice: People speak English all over the world.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. English is spoken by the people of all over the world
  2. English has been spoken by the people all over the world
  3. English is spoken all over the world by the peoples
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: English is spoken by the people of all over the world

127. "JARGON" means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Rudimentary
  2. Extraneous
  3. Terminology
  4. Gibberish
Correct Answer: Terminology

128. Synonym of ACRIMONY:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Pleasantness
  2. Bitterness
  3. Conductivity
  4. Harmoniously
Correct Answer: Bitterness

129. Fill in the blank: There is no reason _______ we get up so early in the morning.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. When
  2. Why
  3. Whom
  4. Do why
Correct Answer: Why

130. Fill in the blank with suitable word: _______ people have _____ knowledge of physics.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Very few - some
  2. A few - some
  3. Few - Little
  4. A few - very little
Correct Answer: A few - some

131. "To smell a Rat" means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To smell something bad
  2. To detect something wrong
  3. Line Thickness
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: To detect something wrong

132. Choose the incorrect spelling:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Hallucinations
  2. Reverberations
  3. Transpyre
  4. Rejuvenation
Correct Answer: Transpyre

133. "A Brief History of the Time" is written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Stephen King
  2. Stephen Hawking
  3. Yuval Harari
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Stephen Hawking

134. In two minds:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Uncertain
Correct Answer: Uncertain

135. NEC stands for

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. National E-Council
Correct Answer: National E-Council

136. Conflict

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To
Correct Answer: To

137. Amborella

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Amborella
Correct Answer: Amborella

138. Sciolist

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Fake intellectual
Correct Answer: Fake intellectual

139. From where we put forward

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. From where we put forward
Correct Answer: From where we put forward

140. Close word

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. a option or minimize
Correct Answer: a option or minimize

141. The Vincee Code

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Novel
Correct Answer: Novel

142. Expectation to live

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Life expectancy
Correct Answer: Life expectancy

143. Parted parents

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. With - from
Correct Answer: with - from

144. It is matter

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. of
Correct Answer: of

145. Exhausted

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. by
Correct Answer: by

146. I am studying

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. i am going to study
Correct Answer: i am going to study

147. ATM

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Automated Teller Machine
Correct Answer: Automated Teller Machine

148. DPI stands for:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dots per Index
  2. Divide per inch
  3. Dots per inch
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Dots per inch

149. Deficit Financing means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Profiting exceeds revenues
  2. Losing exceeds revenues
  3. Spending exceeds revenues
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Spending exceeds revenues

150. Moenjodaro means

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Civilised City
  2. Beautiful Gardens
  3. Mound of the Dead
  4. Civilization
Correct Answer: Mound of the Dead

151. Arms and the Man is a comedy play written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. GB Shaw
  2. Uemra Ahmad
  3. Atkhar Raza Saleemi
  4. Idris Azad
Correct Answer: GB Shaw

152. Who wrote 'Hard Times' and 'A tale of two Cities'?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. John Milton
  2. Charles Dickens
  3. John Webster
  4. Daniel Defoe
Correct Answer: Charles Dickens

153. Alma mater means

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. House
  2. College
  3. Hospital
  4. Parliament
Correct Answer: College

154. Everyone is ignorant _____ something.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. of
  2. at
  3. the
  4. to
Correct Answer: of

155. Profane means,

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Realistic
  2. Unholy
  3. Pessimistic
  4. Adulterate
Correct Answer: Unholy

156. Ecstasy antonym:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Pessimistic
  2. Realistic
  3. Agony
  4. Adulterate
Correct Answer: Agony

157. Haughty means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Disdainful
  2. Realistic
  3. Affluent
  4. Adulterate
Correct Answer: Disdainful

159. Importance of "Division of Work" was the first time highlighted in Das Capital, This book was written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Machiavelli
  2. Thomas Hardy
  3. Adam Smith
  4. Karl Marx
Correct Answer: Karl Marx

160. What is the meaning of "Ex-post facto"?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. A comfortable thing as fact
  2. With retrospective action or force
  3. A suitable environment to work
  4. An unwelcome guest
Correct Answer: With retrospective action or force

161. "Just good enough" means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Not sufficient time
  2. An estimated criteria
  3. Good for Circumstances
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Good for Circumstances

162. Fill in the blank: A cat differs _____ a dog.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. with
  2. from
  3. for
  4. over
Correct Answer: from

163. "Accolade" means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. To give up completely Keenness of mind or insight
  2. An Award or Salute or
  3. Sharpe or Harsh in Language
Correct Answer: An Award or Salute or

164. Contraband means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Economic Sanctions
  2. Banned Goods
  3. Family Planning Materials
  4. Temporary stoppage of trade
Correct Answer: Banned goods

165. Synonym of "Delete" is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Strange
  2. Efficient
  3. Remove
  4. Nasty
Correct Answer: Remove

166. Choose the correct words from the options to complete the sentence correctly: Khalid is ____ taller than Naveed.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Not as tall but as
  2. As tall - if not
  3. As if not
  4. As tall as - if not
Correct Answer: As tall as, if no

167. Choose the correct Antonym of "Liberty"?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Freedom
  2. Delivered
  3. Slavery
  4. Scrupulous
Correct Answer: Slavery

168. "Madness and Civilization" was written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. David D. Burns
  2. Michel Foucault
  3. Jonathan Kellerman
  4. Thomas Hale Jr.
Correct Answer: Michel Foucault

169. MDGs stand for:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Million Development Goals
  2. Millennium Development Goals
  3. Maximum Development Goals
  4. Minimum Development Goals
Correct Answer: Millennium Development Goals

170. Idiom "Burn the midnight oil" means:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Counting yours days earning in the night
  2. Heat up a place to make it comfortable
  3. Stay awake or study late into the night
  4. Finish all the resources available
Correct Answer: Stay awake or study late into the night