1. Who was the inventor of Mouse?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Douglas Englebart
  2. Ada Lovelace
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Douglas Englebart

2. Name the person, who was exiled to Saint Helena after renowned battle of "Waterloo" in 1815:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Adolf Hitler
  2. Napoleon Bonaparte
  3. Rommel
  4. Hinderburg
Correct Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

3. CT scan stand for which of the following?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Computed Tomography
  2. Computer Topography
  3. Computed Topography
  4. Computer Tomography
Correct Answer: Computed Tomography

4. Sir Laurence Olivier was an?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Engineer
  2. Actor
  3. Comedian
  4. Politician
Correct Answer: Actor

5. "Kofi Annan" a former Secretary General of U.N.O belonged to:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Tanzania
  2. Kenya
  3. Ghana
  4. Chad
Correct Answer: Ghana

6. Capital of Ghana is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Harare
  2. Accra
  3. Kinshasa
  4. Banjul
Correct Answer: Harare

7. The country of Ghana was formerly known by what name?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Grain coast
  2. Gold coast
  3. Ivory Coast
  4. Slave coast
Correct Answer: Gold coast

8. Congo is the new name of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Madagascar
  2. Petograd
  3. Zaire
  4. Cape Canaveral
Correct Answer: Zaire

9. Black pool is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Mountain
  2. Town
  3. Airport
  4. Strait
Correct Answer: Town

10. Which is biggest fresh water lake in the world?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Chilka Lake
  2. Caspian Lake
  3. Dal Lake Leke Superior
Correct Answer: Lake Superior

11. Which is deepest lake in the world?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Titicaca
  2. Victoria
  3. Baikal
  4. Superior
Correct Answer: Baikal

12. Ural Mountain is in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. England
  2. Turkey
  3. Greece
  4. Russia
Correct Answer: Russia

13. Which country is the 2nd largest oil produecr in he world?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Russia
  2. USA
  3. Kuwait
  4. Saudi Arabia
Correct Answer: Saudi Arabia

14. Bering Strait separated Russia from?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. China
  2. USA
  3. Japan
  4. Canada
Correct Answer: USA

15. Oplum War was fought between China and?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. French
  2. Portuguese
  3. Indian
  4. British
Correct Answer: British

16. International dateline passes through?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Bering Strait
  2. Strait of Hormuz
  3. Dover Strait
  4. Davis Strait
Correct Answer: Bering Strait

17. Shortest day in Australia will be on?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 25 December
  2. 22 December
  3. 15 June
  4. 21 June
Correct Answer: 21 June

18. Mention the nickname of of atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Little Boy
  2. Daisy utter
  3. Big Giant
  4. sharp boy
Correct Answer: Little Boy

19. The Traeety of Sevres was signed in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1921
  2. 1924
  3. 1920
  4. 1919
Correct Answer: 1920

20. Mustafa Kamal Pasha abolished the Khilafat in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1921
  2. 1924
  3. 1926
  4. 1920
Correct Answer: 1924

21. "we the people of United Nation" are the opening word of historical documents?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Human Right Charter
  2. US Charter
  3. UN Charter
  4. UNHCR Charter
Correct Answer: UN Charter

22. Koh-e-Judi is located in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. India
  2. Turkey
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Iraq
Correct Answer: Turkey

23. Koh-e-Toor is in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sinal
  2. Syria
  3. Iraq
  4. Egypt
Correct Answer: Sinal

24. The name of Ceylon changed into Sri Lanka in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1965
  2. 1972
  3. 1976
  4. 1974
Correct Answer: 1972

25. 1 yard is equal to?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 0.989
  2. 0.914
  3. 1.125
  4. 1.150
Correct Answer: 0.914

26. 1 BTU is equal to?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1055
  2. 1075
  3. 1050
  4. 1155
Correct Answer: 1055

27. One Gram of Gold is equal to how many miiligram of gold?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 100mg
  2. 500mg
  3. 1000mg
  4. 10
  5. 000
Correct Answer: 1000mg

28. One Inch is equal to?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 2.5 cm
  2. 2 cm
  3. 2.54 cm
  4. 3.00 cm
Correct Answer: 2.54

29. Normandy is in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Italy
  2. England
  3. Austria
  4. France
Correct Answer: France

30. Adam's Peak is located in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Nepal
  2. Iran
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. India
Correct Answer: Sri Lanka

31. If 5X-15=50 the find the value of X?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 15
  2. 17
  3. 13
  4. 11
Correct Answer: 13

32. Oldest Inhabited city in the world is?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Harappa
  2. Mohenjodarro
  3. Damascus
  4. Taxila
Correct Answer: Damascus

33. Oldest monarchy is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. UAE
  3. Japan
  4. Kuwait
Correct Answer: Japan

34. Father of Homeopathy is?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Samuel Hahnemann
  2. Hanemann
  3. Sigmund
  4. Robert DOver
Correct Answer: Samuel Hahnemann

35. The book 'Whealth of Nation' was written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. John Marshal
  2. Karl Marx
  3. Max Muller
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: None of these

36. Communist Manifesto was originally published in which language?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Greek
  2. Russian
  3. French
  4. German
Correct Answer: German

37. The famous incident of Boston tea party took place in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1770
  2. 1765
  3. 1773
  4. 1776
Correct Answer: 1773

38. Ahmad Khan Kharal the famous character of war of independence belong to?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Gogera
  2. Satiana
  3. Jhamra
  4. Cheecha Watni
Correct Answer: Jhamra

39. Faiz Ahmad Faiz imprisoned for his alleged involment in __________conspiracy

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Agartala
  2. Lahore
  3. Attock
  4. Rawalpindi
Correct Answer: Rawalpindi

40. "Pride and Prejudice" was written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Jane Austen
  2. Thomas Hardy
  3. Agatha Christil
  4. George Orwell
Correct Answer: Jane Austen

41. Cholera is caused by?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Cocci
  2. Virus
  3. Bacteria
  4. None of thes
Correct Answer: Bacteria

42. Which of the following disease is not caused by virus?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Small pox
  2. Pollo
  3. Typhoid
  4. Mumps
Correct Answer: Typhoid

43. Which among of the following is Starch digesting enzyme?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Protease
  2. Lipase
  3. Amylase
  4. None of thes
Correct Answer: Amylase

44. The Cultural Center Of Ghandhara Civilization was situated at presen day in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Afghanistan
  2. Pakistan
  3. China
  4. UAE
Correct Answer: Pakistan

45. Another name of vitamin C is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ascorbic acid
  2. Acetic acid
  3. Citric acid
  4. Lysozyme
Correct Answer: Ascorbic acid

46. Which is used as a moderator in atomic reactor?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Water
  2. Uranium
  3. Platinum
  4. Heavy water
Correct Answer: Heavy water

47. Guava is a rich source of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin D
  3. Vitamin A
  4. Calcium
Correct Answer: Vitamin C

48. "Conversation with Myself" was written by?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Barak Obama
  2. Nelson Mandela
  3. Tony Blair
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Nelson Mandela

49. Diameter of Jupiter is_______times of Earth's diameter?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 13
  2. 11
  3. 9
  4. 10
Correct Answer: 11

50. Which is the hottest planet in the Solar system?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Jupiter
  2. Mercury
  3. Uranus
  4. Venus
Correct Answer: Venus

51. Plato was__________ of Aristotle.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Student
  2. Son
  3. Son-in-law
  4. Teacher
Correct Answer: Teacher

52. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim league in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1913
  2. 1914
  3. 1911
  4. 1916
Correct Answer: 1913

53. The Jallianwala massacre took place in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. April 1919
  2. December 1919
  3. April 1921
  4. April 1920
Correct Answer: April 1919

54. Jallianwala Bagh is located in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Lahore
  2. Delhi
  3. Lucknow
  4. Amritsar
Correct Answer: Amritsar

55. First Noble prize in physics was awarded to?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Prlestly
  2. Roentgen
  3. Madam Curie
  4. Alexander Fleming
Correct Answer: Roentgen

56. Which of the following is ancient Wonder of the world?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Effile Tower
  2. Taj Mahal
  3. Lighthouse of Alexanderia
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Lighthouse of Alexanderia

58. If X=28 and Y=51, then(X+Y)+(X-Y)=?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 53
  2. 56
  3. 59
  4. 61
Correct Answer: 56

59. Who was the inventor of printing press?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Johannes Gutenberg
  2. Louis Pasteur
  3. Oliver Cromwell
  4. St. Augustine
Correct Answer: Johannes Gutenberg

60. Yen is the currency of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. France
  2. Denmark
  3. Italy
  4. Sweden
Correct Answer: Italy

62. Which of the following District of Balochistan contains huge deposit of copper;

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Loralal
  2. Sibbi
  3. Khuzdar
  4. Chaghi
Correct Answer: Chaghi

63. Kachura Lake is situated in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Gilgit
  2. Kaghan Valley
  3. Baltistan
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Baltistan

64. Patella is present in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Skull
  2. Thorax
  3. Knee
  4. Elbow
Correct Answer: Knee

65. Working boundary is a boundary between

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Indian Held Kashmir and Azad Kashmir
  2. India and Pakistan
  3. Indian Held Kashmir and Pakistan
  4. Azad Kashmir and Pakistan
Correct Answer: India and Pakistan

66. URL is an abbreviation of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Uniform Room Locator
  2. Universal Resource Locator
  3. Universal Room Locator
  4. Uniform Resource Locator
Correct Answer: Uniform Resource Locator

67. What does RAM in a computer stand for?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Read and Memorize
  2. Random Access Memory
  3. Random Access Module
  4. Random Access Modem
Correct Answer: Random Access Memory

68. Wife of Bill Gate is CEO of Gates Foundation, what is the name of her wife?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ivana
  2. Melinda
  3. Milane
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Melinda

69. The length of Siachen Glacier is _______ mile.

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 56
  2. 47
  3. 49
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 49

70. Persecution of Rohingiya Muslim in which state of?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Kaylin
  2. Rakhine
  3. Kachin
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Rakhine

71. Khad' is the intelligence of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Iraq
  2. Afganiztan
  3. Egypt
  4. Russia
Correct Answer: Afghanistan

72. The National Bird of Pakistan is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Chukkor
  2. Pigeon
  3. Eagle
  4. Parrot
Correct Answer: Chukkor

73. Aab-e-Hayat was written by;

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Muhammad Hussain Azad
  2. Nazir Ahmad
  3. Allama Iqbal
  4. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Correct Answer: Muhammad Hussain Azad

74. Silicon valley is located in;

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. New York
  2. Florida
  3. Mexico
  4. California
Correct Answer: California

75. The only Hindu State " In the World is;

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sri Lanka
  2. Nepal
  3. Bhutan
  4. India
Correct Answer: Nepal

76. The Nobel prize for economics was introduced in

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1969
  2. 1986
  3. 1990
  4. 1987
Correct Answer: 1969

77. Malabar is the old name of ?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Chennai
  2. Madras
  3. Mumbai
  4. Calcutta
Correct Answer: Madras

78. If the mood of person swings from normal to extreme behavior is due to?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Autism
  2. Schizophrenia
  3. Bipolar disorder
  4. Epilepsy
Correct Answer: Bipolar disorder

79. Noval " War and Peace" written by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Leo Tolstoy
  2. Tito
  3. Shelly
  4. Shakespeare
Correct Answer: Leo Tolstoy

80. Most powerful hurricane to hit the Caribbean in September 2017 was?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Maria
  2. Katrina
  3. Irma
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Irma

81. Neutron was discovered by:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Newton
  2. Priestly
  3. James Chadwick
  4. Franklin
Correct Answer: James Chadwick

82. During the process of photosynthesis,plant releases the

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Carbon
  2. Oxygen
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Ammonia
Correct Answer: Oxygen

83. Hujjatullah-ll-Baligha was written by

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Shah Ismail
  2. Haji ShariatUllah
  3. Syed Ahmad Shaheed
  4. Shah Wali Ullah
Correct Answer: Shah Wali Ullah

84. An example of hereditary disease is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Polio
  2. Hemophilia
  3. Cholera
  4. Typhoid
Correct Answer: Hemophilia

85. Shape of Milky Way Galaxy is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Rectangular
  2. Spiral
  3. Elliptical
  4. Circular
Correct Answer: Spiral

87. What is the height of K2?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 6611 Meters
  2. 8611 Meters
  3. 7611 Meters
  4. 9611 Meters
Correct Answer: 8611 Meters

88. Before the partition of India in 1947, how many princely states existed?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 49
  2. 54
  3. 562
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: 562

89. Name of the biggest barrage if the Pakistan?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sukhar Barrage
  2. Taunsa Barrage
  3. Guddu Barrage
  4. Ghulam Muhammad Barrage
Correct Answer: Sukhar Barrage

90. If you have"Caries"then which doctor should be consulte/d

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dermatologist
  2. Orthopedist
  3. Dentist
  4. Neurologist
Correct Answer: Dentist

91. The average weight of human heart is:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 250 gm
  2. 300 gm
  3. 350 gm
  4. 400 gm
Correct Answer: 300 gm

92. Sharm-el-Sheikh is the name of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Airport of Iran
  2. Egyptian Seaport
  3. A Mountain
  4. None of these
Correct Answer: Egyptian Seaport

93. LNG stand for?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Liquefied Natural Gas
  2. Liquid Natural Gas
  3. Liquid Natural Gas
  4. none of these
Correct Answer: Liquefied Natural Gas

94. The Statue of liberty was presented to the United States by the people of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Britain
  2. Germany
  3. Canada
  4. France
Correct Answer: France

95. Habsha is the old name of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Ethiopia
  2. Uganda
  3. Kenya
  4. Tanzania
Correct Answer: Ethiopia

96. Break bone fever is communicated by a mosquito;it is another name of:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Dengue
  2. Malaria
  3. Epilepsy
  4. All of these
Correct Answer: Dengue

97. Katas Raj Temple is in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Jhelum
  2. Chakwal
  3. Lahore
  4. Attock
Correct Answer: Chakwal

98. Amnesia is related to:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Sleeping Sickness
  2. Loss of sight
  3. Loss of hearing
  4. Loss of memory
Correct Answer: Loss of memory

99. The British Government announced the annulment of Partition of Bengal in:

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. 1910
  2. 1911
  3. 1912
  4. 1926
Correct Answer: 1911

100. Rakh Ghulaman Livestock farm is in?

  • Subject:  Generic
  1. Okara
  2. Sahiwal
  3. Bhakkar
  4. Mianwali
Correct Answer: Bhakkar